52 examples of diatribe in sentences

Speech, discourse, oration, address, sermon, declamation, dissertation, exhortation, disquisition, harangue, diatribe, tirade, screed, philippic, invective, rhapsody, plea.

I tell you, it's mere words!" Tump cut into his diatribe: "No use talkin' lak dat.

Peter stopped with a shock of surprise, then listened to the whole diatribe with a rising sense of irritation and irony.

Related to the work is "Ethics of the Dust" (1865), lectures to little housewives on mineralogy and crystallography, nature's work in crystallization being the text for a diatribe against sordid living.

They have made me the author of a diatribe against Père Bouhours, which I never even imagined.

No one dared to join in this diatribe.

Don Custodio was on the point of refusing to explain it from resentment at not having found any supporters in his diatribe against Simoun.

[Fr.], rebuff; slap, slap on the face; home thrust, hit; frown, scowl, black look. diatribe; jeremiad, jeremiade; tirade, philippic. clamor, outcry, hue and cry; hiss, hissing; sibilance, sibilation, catcall; execration &c 908.

Euripides (Iph. in Aul. 956) defines the soothsayer as a man, Os olig' alethe, polla de pseuon legei Tuchon, otan de me, tuche oioichetai This is turned by the Latin translator into the following diatribe against the casters of horoscopes: -Astrologorum signa in caelo quaesit, observat, Iovis Cum capra aut nepa aut exoritur lumen aliquod beluae.

But to publish a 'diatribe' against the substance of the Articles and Catechism of the English Church, nay, of the whole Christian world, excepting the Socinians, and to call it "Hints concerning the dangerous and abominable absurdities of Methodism," is too bad.

Sulpicius may have thought Marius quite fit for the command, and was warranted in thinking so by the events of the Social War; but there is no more ground for supposing that the election of Marius was his primary object than for considering Plutarch's diatribe a fair estimate of his character.

There was a personal note in the furious diatribe that Bertin hurled at him that Clerambault could not understand.

I shall be glad to learn who are the publishers of this work, what are the characters of the publishers, and whether they will give me the name or names of the author or authors of this diatribe, and whether they vouch for the character of those who furnished the article for their work.

" Jack retired to his seat, and for the next ten minutes indulged in a diatribe against classical learning in general, and hexameters and pentameters in particular.

" A thin echo of the Frenchman's diatribe flickered through his memory, and he smiled.

The preface contained a furious, though just, diatribe, against the licence of modern comedy, with some personal reflections aimed at Dry den directly.

The latter is a mere spiteful diatribe against various army officers, and neither its manner nor its matter warrants more than an allusion.

" Voltaire was not proud; he readily heaped apology upon apology; but he was irritable and vain; his ill-humor against Maupertuis came out in a pamphlet, as bitter as it was witty, entitled La Diatribe du Docteur Akakia; copies were circulating in Berlin; the satire was already printed anonymously, when the Great Frederick suddenly entered the lists.

" Voltaire, affrighted, still protesting his innocence, at last gave up the whole edition of the diatribe, which was burned before his eyes in the king's own closet.

Robin welcomes his guests, and his praise of rustic sports calls forth from Friar Tuck the well-known diatribe against the 'sourer sort of shepherds,' in which Jonson vented his bitterness against the hypocritical pretensions of the puritan reformersa passage which yields, in biting satire, neither to his own presentation in the Alchemist nor to Quarles' scathing burlesque quoted on an earlier page.

This line of attack also failed him, as did various attempts to find relations between his measurements of refraction and conic sections, and he broke off suddenly with a diatribe against Tycho's critics, whom he likened to blind men disputing about colours.

With every word of this diatribe, the representative of the Prophet was in perfect agreement.

Order!" as did his successor Speaker Peel, while Pym, Hampden, Cromwell, and Vane passionately inveighed against Prelacy and the "Man of Blood," as I had just heard the Radicals of the Victorian era overwhelm with diatribe the obstructors of the popular will.

Guiraut de Calanso wrote an imitation of this diatribe.

The Diatribe, however, is not all mere laughter; there is a real criticism in it, too.

52 examples of  diatribe  in sentences