124 examples of dibbling in sentences

"No, thank you," returned Mr. DIBBLE.

A correspondent of the Gardener's Magazine states, that after in vain trying salt, lime, and dibbling holes for preserving young cauliflowers and cabbages from slugs, he succeeded by spreading some well cut chaff round the plants under hand glasses, and some round the outsides of the glasses.

R70035, 10Nov50, John Dos Passos (A) STRENUOUS AMERICANS, by Roy F. Dibble.

R71175, 7Dec50, R. F. Dibble (A) STREUBEL, Ernest J. SEE Electricity and magnetism.

© 5Mar26, A883587. R116221, 20Aug53, George H. Devol (A) DIBBLE, ALTON.

SEE Dibble, Roy Floyd.


SEE Dibble, Roy Floyd.


SEE Dibble, Roy Floyd.


SEE Dibble, Roy Floyd.


© 18Sep26, A949319. R120984, 16Nov53, Clarence E. Dibble, Newton Dibble, Ernest Dibble, Alton Dibble & Senna May Dibble (NK) DIBBLE, SENNA MAY.

© 18Sep26, A949319. R120984, 16Nov53, Clarence E. Dibble, Newton Dibble, Ernest Dibble, Alton Dibble & Senna May Dibble (NK) DIBBLE, SENNA MAY.

© 18Sep26, A949319. R120984, 16Nov53, Clarence E. Dibble, Newton Dibble, Ernest Dibble, Alton Dibble & Senna May Dibble (NK) DIBBLE, SENNA MAY.

© 18Sep26, A949319. R120984, 16Nov53, Clarence E. Dibble, Newton Dibble, Ernest Dibble, Alton Dibble & Senna May Dibble (NK) DIBBLE, SENNA MAY.

© 18Sep26, A949319. R120984, 16Nov53, Clarence E. Dibble, Newton Dibble, Ernest Dibble, Alton Dibble & Senna May Dibble (NK) DIBBLE, SENNA MAY.

© 18Sep26, A949319. R120984, 16Nov53, Clarence E. Dibble, Newton Dibble, Ernest Dibble, Alton Dibble & Senna May Dibble (NK) DIBBLE, SENNA MAY.

SEE Dibble, Roy Floyd.

R70035, 10Nov50, John Dos Passos (A) STRENUOUS AMERICANS, by Roy F. Dibble.

R71175, 7Dec50, R. F. Dibble (A) STREUBEL, Ernest J. SEE Electricity and magnetism.

A popular white-foliaged bedding plant, which may be increased by dibbling cuttings in sandy soil and placing them in a cool frame.

long, and dibbling them into light soil.

They then sat down at noon to their bread and cheese and, most likely, a mug of ale, and talked of small, home matters, just as if they were dibbling in a small patch of wheat or potatoes.

124 examples of  dibbling  in sentences