39 examples of dickered in sentences

Let Kleppish go, and we'll make our dicker right now, on a lib'ral basis.

You dicker with me for the support of your paper and I'll guarantee a hundred subscriptions from Royal and get you an apology from Skeelty and a promise he'll behave an' keep his men to home.

"I won't dicker with you an instant," she firmly declared.

Him an' Blossy went on ter see Holmes tew dicker erbout buyin' back the old place.

't'a'n't never no use to try to dicker with city folks; they a'n't use to't. I'xpect

I cannot tell; but I am sure he hath more liquor in him than a whole dicker of hides; he's soak'd throughly, i'faith. FRAN.

[204] "The quantity of ten of any commodity; as a dicker of hides was ten hides, a dicker of iron ten bars.

[204] "The quantity of ten of any commodity; as a dicker of hides was ten hides, a dicker of iron ten bars.

trade with, deal with, have dealings with; transact business with, do business with; open an account with, keep an account with. bargain; drive a bargain, make a bargain; negotiate, bid for; haggle, higgle^; dicker [U.S.]; chaffer, huckster, cheapen, beat down; stickle, stickle for; out bid, under bid; ask, charge; strike a bargain &c (contract)

Deneere Depart Detest Devide Dewse ace Diamonds softened by goat's blood Dicker Diet-bread Diety (For the spelling cf.

You should hear themthe chaste, chic, nun-like Taube and the thick-chested old Brummer, singing that he is her dear old Grumbler and she his soft, swift Dove: "Suesser, dicker Brummer...

They rivet, they forge, they coin, they "fire up," "brake up," "switch off," "prospect," "shin" for us when we are "short," "post up" our books, and finally ourselves, "strike a lead," "follow a trail," "stand up to the rack," "dicker," "swap," and "peddle."

"Another thing, Mr. Devant," Thompson went on, still hesitatingly; "Larsen had a chance to get hold of this breed of pointers and lost out, because he dickered too long, and acted cheesy.

Before the smart-stepping lamplighters were half done turning off the street lights, before the noisy market-houses all over the town, from Camp Callender to Carrollton, with their basket-bearing thousands of jesting and dickering customers, had quenched their gaslights and candles to dicker and jest by day, or the devotees of early mass had emerged from the churches, Rumor was on the run.

R120442, 9Nov53, Jill Marie Haycox (W) Gunfleets dicker.

Gunfleets dicker.

R120442, 9Nov53, Jill Marie Haycox (W) Gunfleets dicker.

Gunfleets dicker.

One overseer for a big estate came up to dicker for the boy, and said he would give him fifteen dollars for six months' work.

But the articles she ate were mostly the products of their large, well-cultivated farm; they did not cost money directly out of her hand, and it was the money she disliked parting with, so she talked and dickered, and beat the Camden merchant down five cents on a yard, and made him cut it a little short, to save a waste, and made him throw in the thread and binding and swear when she was gone, wondering who "the stingy old woman was."

He even waited while I dickered with Jim Boyd for a breaking plow, which I admitted I should need the first thing, as soon as Jim mentioned it to me[10].

Hurry along and we'll close the dicker.'

A man can borry tools, but he can't dicker for such idees as Jabez has got.

" I'd forgot my portmoney that mornin' and didn't want right there in Solomon's Temple to dicker with Josiah for money, I knowed it would make him fraxious.

He could do his part in the day's work, be a man among men, dicker with the importers at the Salem Custom House and as Consul at Liverpool, rub effectively with the traders, but his choice was always for solitude, he liked to go for days without speaking to a human being and to live withdrawn from the contacts of the world, even from his neighbours and family.

39 examples of  dickered  in sentences