10 examples of dif in sentences

"Of course it couldn't," sniffed Laura, adding suddenly: "I suppose we could run away and nobody would know the dif" "Look," cried Billie, excitedly pointing to one of the windows.

Twenty-four hundred dollars" "What's the dif?

" "What's the dif?"

* 29 na'bob ap plaud'ed un as sum'ing sad' dler dif' fi dence sec' re ta ry ob scured' live' li hood su per cil' i ous A MODEST WIT.

' gar y hom' age sen' ti nel dif' fer ence TO MY DOG BLANCO.[003]

He turn-ed to-wards her with ir-re-so-lu-tion: he felt how dif-fi-cult it was to leave one so dear and af-fec-tion-ate; but his du-ty was sim-ple, and he would do it: with one more "good

But Will and Tom, each blow-ing from A dif-fe-rent side, you well may guess, No boats could go straight on, and so They tacked a-bout in great dis-tress.

thy dif | -fusive | light; So the | scorn'd and | humble | station shrinks be | -fore thine | equal | sight.

Dressed in the warm clothes Frank's moth-er gave him, he looked like quite a dif-fer-ent boy, and was ve-ry grate-ful for her kind-ness.

But Lallie couldn't see the dif between a man and a novelist, and Algy couldn't write his best seller without studying its heroine, and soand soat last our poor prize couple are in that long list that an overworked judge complained of the other day.

10 examples of  dif  in sentences