4188 examples of differs in sentences

Well, well I thought it might be you," said Grim, speaking the northern dialect of Arabic, which differs quite a bit from that spoken around Jerusalem.

That's where secret service differs from other business.

But Leslie Stephen sees that, in the progress of the race, the importance of veracity has come to a recognition, "in which it differs from the other virtues."

Bunyan's The Pilgrim's Progress (1678) differs from the Faery Queen, and from all other mediæval allegories, in this important respect,that the characters, far from being bloodless abstractions, are but thinly disguised men and women.

In this respect also one coalfield differs greatly from another.

In the fourth chapter of the book before us, Darwin undertakes to demonstrate that the moral sense follows,first, from the enduring and ever-present nature of the social instincts; secondly, from man's appreciation of the approbation and disapprobation of his fellows; and, thirdly, from the high activity of his mental faculties, with past impressions extremely vivid; in these latter respects he differs from the lower animals.

In the German States the history of religious liberty differs in many ways, but it resembles the development in France in so far as toleration in a limited form was at first brought about by war.

It differs from the great religions of the world in having no supernatural or non-rational articles of belief, and on that account he had few adherents.

He differs from Spencer and Comte in not assuming any unknowable reality behind natural phenomena.

The new Monism differs from the old, in the first place, in being much less dogmatic.

He differs from a jealous man as a valiant man does from a coward, that trembles at a danger which the other scorns and despises.

The Child is older than is usual in such groups, and differs in another way, for tiring of a reading lesson, He has laid His arm upon the book: a pretty touch.

It differs from melancholy and madness, because their dotage is without an ague: this continual, with waking, or memory decayed, &c. Melancholy is most part silent, this clamorous; and many such like differences are assigned by physicians.

But for such matters as concern the knowledge of themselves, they are wholly ignorant and careless; they know not what this body and soul are, how combined, of what parts and faculties they consist, or how a man differs from a dog.

If it differs, how dare we retain both?

If the Athanasian does not say more or different, but only differs by omission of a necessary article, then to impose it, is as absurd as to force a mutilated copy on one who has already the perfect original.

So the whole account of the plagues of Egypt differs as widely as possible, even to absolute contradiction.

It differs from that of Measure for Measure in the fact that there can be no doubt as to the moral aspect of the case.

The account differs widely from that of Campbell's trip to the Netherlands in the "Life and Adventures" of 1720.

Evidently the history, though indeed founded on fact, differs from the works of Mrs. Haywood's imagination only in the tedious length of the legal proceedings and the uncertainty of the outcome.

The art of life expounded in his Letters differs from Johnson as much as the elegant diplomatist differs from the rough intellectual gladiator of Grub Street.

The art of life expounded in his Letters differs from Johnson as much as the elegant diplomatist differs from the rough intellectual gladiator of Grub Street.

The turban differs greatly from that of the Mahomedans; it is a cap of pasteboard, covered with coloured stuff or waxed cloth, ten or twelve inches high.

Perhaps my district, in consequence of this minute subdivision of property, and its contact with the town, is the most troublesome district in the island; and the character of the apprentices differs consequently from that in the more rural districts, where not above half the complaints are made.

Where its testimony differs from that of I Maccabees, the latter in general should be followed, but its account of the events which led to the Maccabean uprising are much more detailed than those of I Maccabees, which it supplements at many important points.

4188 examples of  differs  in sentences