157 examples of diffident in sentences

Then he said, speaking in a low, diffident voice: "I'm lookin' for the editor.

<Fide> (trust, believe, have faith): (1) fidelity, confide, confident, diffident, infidel, perfidious, bona fide, defiance, affiance; (2) fiduciary, affidavit, fiancé, auto da , Santa . Sentences:

The task which we must undertake with our inmost feeling, with all the ardour of our faith, is to find once more the road to peace, to utter the word of brotherly love toward oppressed peoples, and to reconstruct Europe, which is gradually sinking to the condition of Quattrocento Italy, without its effulgence of art and beauty: thirty States mutually diffident of each other, in a sea of programmes and Balkan ideas.

If he had had a little fear that he would feel diffident and unboyish among lads of his own age, it vanished at the first contact.

She was rather diffident and held him in safe channels of conversation.

" "If I presumed that my opinion would decide the point," rejoined he, "I should be diffident about expressing it in a case so important to yourself.

And he expectsthis poop expects, Jeevesthis wabbling, shrinking, diffident rabbit in human shape expects under these conditions to propose to the girl he loves.

They met in secret, and we may picture them a little diffident in so strange a place, ever expectant of the swift descent of the Kureisch and their own annihilation.

The street was full too, chiefly of peasants, but among them myriad resolute American virgins, in motor veils, whom nothing can ever surprise; a few American men, sceptical, as ever, of anything ever happening; here and there a diffident Englishwoman and Englishman, more in the background, but destined in the end to see all.

We will take these two avowed aims of the Allies in order, and first try to draw (though with diffident pencil)

After this, they continued a considerable time encamped near each other, without coming to action; neither diffident of their own strength, nor despising the adversary.

The new poetic myth-making that still showed the influence of an old habit of mind was apt to be rather self-conscious and diffident, ending in something resembling the pathetic fallacy.

But he was diffident even about mentioning the matter to us.

This task, however, Crabbe rightly declined, being diffident as to his scholarship.

"I remember him," says a neighbor, speaking of the two at this time, "as a bright, blushing, diffident youth, just entering manhood; and with him

He was diffident then, too.

Satire is lavished upon misdirected education (28), the sluttishness of London landladies, self-adoring Art on a pedestal (256), the delegation of children to underlings, sham religiosity (229), the pampered conscience of a diffident student, and the mensonge of modern woman (300), typified by the ruddled cast-off of Redgrave, who plays first, in her shrivelled paint, as procuress, and then, in her naked hideousness, as blackmailer.

He had the sniffy beginnings of a cold, the result of yesterday's struggle in icy water, and his usual diffident and monosyllabic inclination were intensified by the position in which he found himself.

" I turned my face upwards; he stooped and kissed me onceonly onceone light, gentle, diffident kiss.

Always both the lovers, though he be a kingas he generally isand she a goddess, are diffident at first, fearing failure, even after the most unmistakable signs of fondness, in the betrayal of which the girls are anything but coy.

And on being told that we felt no doubt, her diffident mind seemed comforted; "but," she added, "I want assurance: I hope; but I don't feel sureI do hope in Christ."

In Dorothy Wordsworth's 'Recollections' of the Scotch Tour the following occurs: "August 27, 1803.We mentioned Rob Roy, and the eyes of all glistened; even the lady of the house, who was very diffident, and no great talker, exclaimed, 'He was a good man, Rob Roy!

They often make some people only sore and diffident, and I don't believe in learning to hate life.

On other more important points, therefore, we may differ from the newest scientific opinion without too much diffident apprehensiveness.

I had no sooner started to write than a diffident-looking young man plumped into the chair opposite me, began twirling his cap and stared at me.

157 examples of  diffident  in sentences