651 examples of digesting in sentences

" "I cry your mercy," rejoined the Caterpillar somewhat crossly, "but I was digesting a gooseberry leaf when you lifted me in that abrupt manner, and I did not quite follow your remarks.

Perhaps he was but strengthening his heart, digesting the evidence of the case, assuring himself again after the accomplished fact that the deed was just.

John Billet did not survive long, after the digesting of this affront; but he survived long enough to assure me that peace was actually restored!

The venom contains digestive enzymes that start digesting the prey from the inside.

Finding, as he tells us himself, that Hippocrates was the original source of all medical knowledge, and that all the later writers were little more than transcribers from him, he returned to him with more attention, and spent much time in making extracts from him, digesting his treatises into method, and fixing them in his memory.

An interval, however, sufficient for digesting the little swallowed, is obtained before the appetite again revives, and a fresh supply is demanded.

And the method of grating and pounding meat, as a substitute for chewing, may be well suited to the toothless octogenarian, whose stomach is capable of digesting it; but the stomach of a young child is not adapted to the digestion of such food, and will be disordered by it.

While the captain and Joyce were digesting their plans Mike proceeded on an errand of peculiar delicacy with which he had been entrusted by Robert Willoughby.

Vigorous exercise while the stomach is busily digesting food, may prove injurious, and is apt to result sooner or later in dyspepsia.

While the milk is digesting, take a small quantity of milk in a goblet, and stir in ten drops or more of vinegar.

His manner is refined; his matter is select; but there is something in both at times which you don't altogether believe in digesting.

"They want a little digesting, even by a man with a head for figures like yours.

Thence our author went to Venice, and from that returned to England, where digesting his notes, he published his travels.

" A republication of Pope's works, with notes, offered him an easier occupation than the digesting of those scattered materials for the History of Poetry which he had thus assisted in disarranging.

But the little green corpse had gone, and the spider was digesting his meal somewhere out of sight.

Whether this happened through a lapse of memory in digesting his annals, or whether he purposely passed over those two consulates as deeming the accounts of them false, cannot be ascertained.

The gastric juices may be already exhausted, and the nuts, therefore, lie a hard undigested mass on the stomach; or the apple digesting very quickly, and being ready to leave the stomach some hours before its other contents, but having to bide their time, ferments and gives off objectionable gases.

" She saw Rush digesting this idea of a beautiful young stepmother whom he was to be privileged to callstraight offby her first name, with a certain satisfaction, so she waitedrather conscious that she was being patientfor him to come back from the digression of his own accord.

But it seemed to him that she still looked incredulous when he went away, incapable of really digesting that idea at all.

I can prove the rights of all those labels or I can prove the wrongs of them, according to the way my dinner is digesting.

"It (the answer of Burnet) will perhaps be a little longer a digesting to Mons.

Towards the end of the third beat, while I was drowsily digesting tiffin, and, truly, not far from napping, I was electrified by the report of a rifle, followed by yells and a second shot!

" They parted, and Gabriel, after quietly digesting the milk his niece brought him, went down into the Cathedral without saying a word to anyone about the work he intended carrying out; he was afraid of his brother's objections.

created, time would be afforded for digesting a plan of convict discipline, which should be consistent with economy, with a due regard to the interests of the settlers, and with the moral improvement of the prisoners.

In all animals the new-born stomach needs but the contact with food in order to begin digesting, and the new-born lungs need but the contact with air in order to begin to breathe.

651 examples of  digesting  in sentences