701 examples of digestion in sentences

We must at least recognize that conversion is a scientific process, as much as digestion is, or respiration; it is not a purely emotional occurrence.

Then, as to quality of the food: if nature has provided more delicious fruits for the natives of tropical climates, she has given a sharper appetite and stronger digestion to the Hyperborean, which equalizes the sum of their enjoyments.

I have always come out of them with renewed health and strength, a perfect digestion, and a buoyant and cheerful spirit.

The Principal of the "Student's Home," at V, N.Y., advertising the advantages of his school, makes the following telling appeal, which we should think would be hard to resist by such as find study interfere with digestion.

As a food, it is the least oily and most farinaceous of all the nuts, and, therefore, the easiest of digestion.

It is a cold food, and of difficult digestion when eaten raw.

Its nutritive properties are large, and as a food for persons of delicate digestion, or for children, it is in great estimation.

"No amylaceous substance," says Dr. Christison, "is so much relished by infants about the time of weaning; and in them it is less apt to become sour during digestion than any other farinaceous food, even arrowroot not excepted.

It is considered easy of digestion, and the Thames flounder is esteemed a delicate fish.

This fish forms a light, tender, and delicate food, easy of digestion.

Pure sugar is highly nutritious, adding to the fatty tissue of the body; but it is not easy of digestion.

Semolina is softening, light, wholesome, easy of digestion, and adapted to the infant, the aged, and the invalid.

TAPIOCA.Tapioca is recommended to the convalescent, as being easy of digestion.

They should be taken immediately after the repast, or some hours after, because the taking these substances during the process of digestion is apt to provoke indisposition.

Germany has taken lands from Belgium, Serbia, Roumania, Russia, and the rest, but unless her digestion is as strong as her appetite, she will fail to keep them.

And yet there is, I trust, no doubt whatsoever that the bread has been once green wheat, and that the green wheat has been transformed into breadmaking due allowance, of course, for the bone-dust, or gypsum, or alum with which the worthy baker may have found it profitable to adulterate his bread, in order to improve the digestion of Her Majesty's subjects.

Feeding of the gland was then extended to a particular class of defective children, children with well-shaped heads, normal eyes, symmetrically functioning limbs, excellent digestion, strong muscles and generally, normal, sometimes rapid growth.

Nothing is more boasted by the admirers of chymistry, than that they can, by artificial heats and digestion, imitate the productions of nature.

This was Elder John MacTavish, a man of large substance, of great piety and poor digestion.

Unbiased thinkers, willing to give all men freedom of conscience, admit the force of its logic in some things, the sincerity of its intentions in all, but deem it too dry and much too intellectual for popular digestion.

Some consider fruits easy of digestion; others believe they are digested only with very great difficulty.

The skins of fruits, if beaten or masticated finely; may appear to be digested, because dissolved; but I have already endeavored to show that solution is not always digestion.

The rest and sleep of the preceding night has restored our general vigor, and consequently has invigorated the stomach, so that digestion will be more easily and perfectly accomplished.

Dr. Dewees regards most fruits as difficult of digestion.

But even admitting they were slow of digestion, I do not thinkas I have already shown in another placethat they ought on that account to be excluded.

701 examples of  digestion  in sentences