5788 examples of dignity in sentences

" "Iahfancy I'll carry a cane if I wish," answered Tubbs with great dignity.

They fall below the plain moral dignity, the sanctity, and high yet modest spirit of self-approval, of Milton, in his compositions of a similar structure.

Gallantly did we commence our solitary questfor it was essential to the dignity of a DISCOVERY, that no eye of schoolboy, save our own, should beam on the detection.

On reaching the door, they both turned and bowed to the company in a manner of so much dignity, mingled with sweetness, that all, not excepting Mr. Benfield, rose from their seats to return the salutation.

Lady Moseley bowed her head with dignity, and the colonel had too much tact to pursue the conversation; but the captain, whom nothing had ever yet abashed, exclaimed, "These Denbighs could not be people of much importanceI have never heard the name before.

" "John," said his mother, with dignity, "your trifling is unseasonable; certainly Colonel Egerton is a more fitting person on every account, and I desire, under present circumstances, that you ask the colonel.

There is an artificial levity about dancing that adds to the dignity of no man: from some it may detract: a clergyman for instance is supposed to have other things to do, and it might hurt him in the opinions of those with whom his influence is necessary, and impair his usefulness; therefore a clergyman should never dance.

the doctor said nothing of us girls, you know I suppose he thinks we have no dignity to lose.

" "Walk!" said Sir Thomas, in a tone of unanswerable dignity, and, coming further into the room: "My niece walk to an engagement at this time of the year!

A very curious room it was, with its pathetic suggestion of decayed splendour and old-world dignity: a room full of interest and character and of contrasts and perplexing contradictions.

Very ungratefully the noise of Fetter Lane smote on my ears as I came out through the archway, and very squalid and unrestful the little street looked when contrasted with the dignity and monastic quiet of the old garden.

He hardly looked like a servant, in spite of his neat, black clothes; in fact, his appearance was rather puzzling, for while his quiet dignity and his serious, intelligent face suggested some kind of professional man, his neat, capable hands were those of a skilled mechanic.

He was a man of great dignity, experience, and wisdom, but ascetic in his habits and dress.

No greater man than he did the Empire then contain, and Gratian was wise and fortunate in associating with himself so illustrious a man in the imperial dignity.

A bishop was a greater man than a senator; he exercised more influence and had more dignity than a general.

They were the occupants of a great office; and while their city ruled the world, it was not necessary for them to put forth any new claims to dignity or power.

As for the rest, great as was their dignity as bishops, it is absurd to attribute to them schemes for enthralling the world.

These declarations pertain to most momentous interests, and hence transcend in dignity any question which mere philosophy ever attempted to grasp, or physical science ever brought forward.

He was the paragon of a bishop,a man of transcendent dignity of character, as well as a Father of the Church Universal, of whom all Christendom should be proud.

The savage Hun, who feared not the armies of the emperor, stood awe-struck, we are told, before the minister of God; and, swayed by his eloquence and personal dignity, consented to retire from Italy for the hand of the princess Honoria.

The dignity and power of the Roman bishop were now based on a new foundation.

The Bishop of Rome would soon have been reduced to the condition of other metropolitans had his dignity rested on the greatness of his capital.

It may seem trivial and unimportant to the eye of youth, or a man of the world, or a woman of sensual nature, or to unthinking fools and butterflies; but it is invested with dignity to one who meditates on the mysteries of the soul, the wonders of our higher nature,one of the things which arrest the attention of philosophers.

It was to describe the habits and customs of these people, as well as those of the classes above them, to give dignity to consecrated sentiments and to shape the English language, that Chaucer was raised up.

The Commons set[a] the example; the Lords, with an affectation of dignity which exposed them to some sarcastic remarks, waited till it had previously been taken by the Scots.

5788 examples of  dignity  in sentences