89 examples of digress in sentences

<Grade, gress> (walk, go): (1) grade, gradual, graduate, degrade, digress, Congress, aggressive, progressive, degree; (2) gradation, Centigrade, ingress, egress, transgression, retrogression, ingredient.

It is much better, as a rule, to die game than it is to digress, though on the present occasion there is no reason why I should do either.

I digress into Soho, to explore a book-stall.

I shall, however, take this opportunity of observing, though I may somewhat digress from the present argument, how necessary it is that some of our exported cargoes should be exactly specified.

But I digress as my mind goes back to these early dates, and unless I break away, Charley and I will not reach Newmarket in time for the first race.

He may therefore linger where the dramatist must hurry; he may digress, and gain fresh impetus from the digression, where the dramatist would seriously endanger the effect of his scene by retarding its evolution.

Here, however, we are beginning to digress.

It will therefore be convenient to digress from the straight path of the narrative in order to insert a short memoir of the lady who was destined to influence his life and happiness in a most important degree.

and John Picus in digress: sup.

But I digress.

Gentlemen, I would just digress for a moment if I am not tiring you.

But now to return once more to the trees, the loss of which caused me to digress some pages back; there are compensations in all things.

" As it is not my intention to write the political history of Michelangelo's period, I need not digress here upon the invasion of Italy by Charles VIII., which caused the expulsion of the Medici from Florence, and the establishment of a liberal government under the leadership of Savonarola.

By the bye, Lord A., to digress to a different latitude, how did you succeed in your last excursion to the North Pole?

I digress again, I see, but my drift I hope is clear.

"Let no one," says Cobbett, "be afraid of their tearing about the roots of the plants, when they are at this advanced age and height;" and in encouraging them to pursue the work resolutely and fearlessly, he tells them of the way in which the Yankee farmer manages the matter, and digresses, as he loves to digress, into a picture of manners, or an old recollection.

I cannot digress upon it.

Like the late Mr. GLADSTONE, he has a tendency to digress into financial backwaters instead of sticking to the main Pactolian stream.

Digress, diverge, stray, swerve, wander.

In reference to this famous telescope, we may digress to state that its remains have been carefully preserved.

If it were the purpose of this tale to deal in philosophy, it would be easy to digress and show that Mealy Jones was a study in heredity; that from his mother's side of the house he inherited wide, white, starched collars, and from his father's side, a burning desire to spit through his teeth.

the notes of a harp are heard to the left, in a meadow, where the foot passengers often digress from the more formal tree-lined promenade.

We need not here digress to rehearse the oft-told story of the siege of Granada, during which Moslem rivalled Christian in deeds of chivalry.

But to digress, when do you expect your son, Mr. Bainrothe?

But to digress thus in the very moment of detection, of recognition, seems irrelevant.

89 examples of  digress  in sentences