497 examples of dilated in sentences

The delegation was flattered, complimented, patted on the head, as she dilated on their manly beauty and charm.

The Moranges' eyes dilated with ecstasy.

At once the dilated pupils contract into tiny black dots, as if the roguish spirit within would evade my questioning.

"Indeed, mademoiselle, you may well be surprised," said Mrs. Marston, encountering her full and dilated gaze, which, however, dropped again in a moment to the ground.

He turned a miserable face toward her; she, eyes dilated, frozen to a statue, saw him advance, hold out a white wandsaw the uncanny procession of mice mount the stick and form into a row, tails hanging downsaw him carry the creatures to a box and dump them in.

Each bony canal contains within it a membranous canal, at the end of which it is dilated to form an ampulla.

The dilated part of the semicircular canals of the internal ear.

Varicose (Lat. varix, a dilated vein).

Its vessels remain dilated and congested, its connective tissue becomes excessive, its power of secreting gastric juice diminishes, and its mucous secretions abnormally abundant.

The first effects of alcohol on the function of inhibition are to paralyze the controlling nerves, so that the blood-centers are dilated, and more blood is let into the brain.

And how he dilated on the gates of brass and the bars of iron and the outer darkness etc, etc, till we all went home and shivered in our beds!

The Greek column is there, but dilated to colossal proportions, and exfoliated in a variegated capital."

She stared at the first sheet for a moment with eyes which were almost dilated.

With head proudly erect, nostrils dilated, and eyes that flashed fire, she exclaimed, "How dare you come here?"

" Thereupon the little pulse-counter set himself about reviewing the patient's situation; and after having dilated to me on all the symptoms, asked me what I thought the fittest method of treatment.

you Voltemand, For bearing of this greeting to old Norway, [Sidenote: bearers] Giuing to you no further personall power To businesse with the King, more then the scope Of these dilated Articles allow: [Sidenote: delated] Farewell and let your hast commend your duty.

Dilated means expanded, and would refer to the scope; delated means committedto them, to limit them.]

His soul is every day dilated to receive that God, in whom he is; and hath attained to love himself for God, and God for His own sake.

This fact has been dilated on in books devoted to shoeing, and in the prefatory note to the last edition of Fleming's manual on this subject we find the following statement: 'The records of all humane societies show that, of prosecutions for cruelty to animals, an overwhelming majority refer to the horse; and of these, a large proportion are for working horses while suffering from lameness in one form or other.

His eyes opened, his nostrils dilated, and I fancied he resembled a hound that scented game in the gale, as he snuffed the sea-air which came fanning his glistening face, filled with the salts and peculiar flavours of the ocean.

Not once did her dilated pupils waver from the straight line.

'I deny it!' said Venetia, her eyes sparkling with fire, her form dilated with enthusiasm, and involuntarily withdrawing her arm from her companion.

" The negro's eyes dilated, and his thick lips wreathed into a grin.

" "I shall not leave it alive," the woman declared, her eyes showing dilated pupils of resentment, of anger.

250 Self-love would cease, or be dilated, when We should behold as many selfs as men; All of one family, in blood allied, His precious blood, that for our ransom died.

497 examples of  dilated  in sentences