1164 examples of dimensions in sentences

Big Neddy's eyes had not followed his comrade to the door; they had been held by the queer hole and its queer contentsby the gleaming gold that strewed its floor, by the mock symbol of majesty which he had lifted from it and still held in his hand, by the oddly suggestive shape and dimensions of the hole itself.

In the road, in front of the house, is Captain Nayloryou know that officer and his dimensions?

When supper was served, the ivory fronts of a cabinet of gems divided itself in the centre,the two halves revolving upon silver hinges,and discovered a hall of great height and dimensions, walled with crimson damask, supporting pictures of all the masters of modern art.

Of the various dimensions which I obtained I will mention only two.

The "manifest destiny" of the "Anglo-Saxon" race and the huge dimensions of our country are favourite topics with Fourth-of-July orators, but they are none the less interesting on that account when considered from the point of view of the historian.

But the discovery of America now came to open up an enormous region in which whatever seed of civilization should be planted was sure to grow to such enormous dimensions as by and by to exert a controlling influence upon all such controversies.

So that, from this point of view, the fact we are speaking of is well worth considering, even for its physical dimensions.

In the United States of America a century hence we shall therefore doubtless have a political aggregation immeasurably surpassing in power and in dimensions any empire that has as yet existed.

These circumstances reacted powerfully upon the material development of England, multiplying manifold the dimensions of her foreign trade, increasing proportionately her commercial marine, and giving her in the eighteenth century the dominion over the seas.

On one side of the grating there is a small space like a letter-box slip, and through this communications in writing, of various dimensions, are handed.

It seemed extraordinary, almost impossible, that so broad a river could in so short a space of time contract its dimensions to the width of the strangled channel through which it now poured its entire volume.

M. Hence, the greater the distance RM, the larger must be the mirror in order that the same amount of light may be preserved, and its dimensions would soon become inordinate.

He says: "With the idea of a universe of finite dimensions there is the obvious difficulty of the beyond.

Because we lack the sense of four-dimensional space, we must here have recourse to analogy, and assume three-dimensional space to be the unsensed higher region encompassing a world of two dimensions, To a hypothetical flat-man of a two-space, any portion of his plane surrounded by an unbroken line would constitute an enclosure.

Such a disappearance would constitute an occult phenomenon in a world of two dimensions.

The thing would be no more mysterious, however, to a consciousness embracing four dimensions within its ken, than the transfer of an object from the inside to the outside of a plane figure without crossing its linear boundary is mysterious to us.

The Theory of Relativity enforces the conclusion that from the standpoint of our conventions in regard to these matters, all bodies involved in transportation undergo a contraction in the direction of that transportation, while their dimensions perpendicular to the transportation remain invariable.

Now in order to establish a position in a space of four dimensions it would be necessary to measure in four mutually perpendicular directions.

Because there is an escape from time in proportion as space dimensions are added to, and assimilated by, consciousness, any development involving this element of space conquest (and evolution is itself such a development) involves time annihilation also.

In other words, the subjective, and (hypothetically) higher activity in every man records itself in a world of three dimensions as action upon an environment.

All these things are only the outward and visible signs of the angel, incarnate in a world of three dimensions, striving to realize higher spatial, or heavenly, conditions.

This amounts to nothing less than reducing a thing from three dimensions to two, in order to know it thoroughly.

In conceiving of a space of more than three dimensions we prove that our relation to God is not static, but dynamic.

And all the while the dimensions of Nonnezoshe Boco magnified and its character changed.

A couple of miles down this trail the canyon narrowed, losing its park-like dimensions.

1164 examples of  dimensions  in sentences