Do we say dine or dyne

dine 1784 occurrences

The monk is invited to remain and dine; and after the repast an exhibition of archery is ordered, in which a bad shot is to be punished by a buffet from the hand of the chieftain.

BOSWELL. 'Sir Alexander Dick tells me, that he remembers having a thousand people in a year to dine at his house: that is, reckoning each person as one, each time that he dined there.'

He finds that it would not be unpleasant to Dr. Johnson to dine at Mr. Wilkes's.

After our little morning meeting we went to dine with dear Captain Owen, and spent the remainder of the day with a few religious friends there.

I shall know where you lunch to-morrow and with whom you dine, and with whom you spend your time.

I had no lunch so that I could dine early.

We'll go somewhere near and dine first, before I change.

You dine with her and take her home after the play.

"Here you ask me to dine," she said, "because you are lonely, and I do nothing but scold you!

We asked Johnnie's uncle to dine with us.

Dr. Johnson rejoiced to hear of him, and begged he would come and dine with us.

My Lord was gone to dine in the neighbourhood, at an entertainment given by Mr. Irvine of Drum.

Mr. Boyd told us that it is customary for the company at Peterhead well, to make parties, and come and dine in one of the caves here.

He asked us to dine with him, which we agreed to do.

Mr. Keith, the collector of Excise here, my old acquaintance at Ayr, who had seen us at the Fort, visited us in the evening, and engaged us to dine with him next day, promising to breakfast with us, and take us to the English chapel; so that we were at once commodiously arranged.

"We shall dine like kings!"

Crowther excused himself at length and rose to take his leave, whereupon Sir Beverley very abruptly, and to his grandson's surprise and gratification, invited him to dine with them that night.

Again that evening Crowther accepted Sir Beverley's invitation to dine at their table.

What we actually did was to dine quietly in a little out-of-the-way restaurant just off Sloane Square, and then play billiards for the remainder of the evening in a room above a neighbouring tavern.

Connected with the cloisters is a court opening into the refectory, where the brothers dine on herbs and eggs and a little meat,also in silence, and, where the rule is strict, in gloom,an ascetic, dreary discipline.

Because Appetitus is well-beloved amongst scholars, for there I can dine and sup with them, and rise again as good friends as we sat down.

and whom he disappointed by accepting his invitation at once, and not Maydening it; no insignificant term as he applies it: for, as he says, Who looks for double biddings to a feast, May dine at home for an importune guest.

I had Reed to dine with me yesterday.

I may mention, as a proof of the state of people's minds, that Admiral Seymour told me that the French Admiral had urged him to dine with him, assuring him that no Treaty would be signed that day!

I had invited the Imperial Commissioners to dine with me, and requested that they would send a juggler to perform before dinner.

dyne 13 occurrences

It must be not admitted that the Christians, which either goe or come to mariages, leape or daunse, but that chastlye & soberly they sup or dyne, and as it is seemly and conuenient for christians. Title: Aunt Jane's Nieces Author: Edith Van Dyne Release Date: November 18, 2003

English Chatacter set encoding: US-ASCII ***START OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK AUNT JANE'S NIECES*** E-text prepared by Afra Ullah, Josephine Paolucci, and the Project Gutenberg Online Distributed Proofreading Team AUNT JANE'S NIECES By EDITH VAN DYNE 1906 A LIST OF CHAPTERS CHAPTER

Title: Aunt Jane's Nieces and Uncle John Author: Edith Van Dyne Release Date: November 18, 2003

*** E-text prepared by Afra Ullah, Josephine Paolucci, and the Project Gutenberg Online Distributed Proofreading Team AUNT JANE'S NIECES AND UNCLE JOHN BY EDITH VAN DYNE AUTHOR OF "AUNT JANE'S NIECES," "AUNT JANE'S NIECES ABROAD," "AUNT JANE'S NIECES AT MILLVILLE," "AUNT JANE'S NIECES AT WORK."

ne at Title: Aunt Jane's Nieces at Millville Author: Edith Van Dyne Release Date: December 1, 2003


Title: Aunt Jane's Nieces Out West Author: Edith Van Dyne Release Date: December 10, 2003

** E-text prepared by Afra Ullah, Mary Meehan, and the Project Gutenberg Online Distributed Proofreading Team Aunt Jane's Nieces Out West By Edith Van Dyne 1914 CONTENTS CHAPTER

at Title: Aunt Jane's Nieces in Society Author: Edith Van Dyne Release Date: December 15, 2003


In every case it is some 'Dyne,' or witch, that has been at work with her damnable spells and charms.

The text runs thus: "Sundrie noblemen and gentlemen and others doe much delighte to dyne in corners and secret places," and the reason given, was that it was a bad influence, dividing class from class; the real reason was probably that by more private and domestic life, the power of the Church over her members was weakened.

Do we say   dine   or  dyne