65 examples of diplomatically in sentences

But she answered diplomatically: "I will inquire into the condition of politics in this district, Mr. Boglin, and try to determine which candidate is the most deserving.

For generations Austria and Russia had struggled diplomatically for the control of Balkan seaports, with the Balkan states acting as buffers in the diplomatic strife.

Being the heir to a constitutional monarch, the Prince's movements are regulated and dictated by the ministers, no matter how much the dictation may be concealed beneath diplomatically polite language.

"My trade is to oppose death diplomatically," he remarked.

"We are here to cheat death diplomatically.

I inquired diplomatically.

For the last two months Germany has taken a tone towards us diplomatically that can only have one explanation.

If the question had been left to the decision of some few, though the best and the wisest of all, they never would have advised a struggle; but would have arranged matters diplomatically.

Neither party was bound to co-operate, even diplomatically, with the other.

No one can doubt that Sir Edward Grey's attitude was diplomatically correct and consistent.

" "Yes, I think we had better look around a bit, too, before we decide, father," said Carolina, diplomatically.

He resolved to carry through the affair diplomatically.

No doubt we were pledged to give nothing but diplomatic support; we were, at any rate, pledged by a definite public agreement to stand with France diplomatically in that question.

Luckily a diplomatically composed letter, addressed by the English envoy to one of the favorite wives, resulted in Ismaël's changing his mind, and the captives were finally given up, and departed with their rescuers.

Poor George remonstrated, not too diplomatically, I daresay, but I can quite see that my Bob behaved as he was never known to behave on land or sea.

"Well, now, Captain McBane," returned Delamere diplomatically, "I've never put any one up yet, and it's not regarded as good form for so young a member as myself to propose candidates.

She could not help observing how diplomatically he had parried both her questions.

She put it diplomatically on the ground of charity to an exiled millionaire, temporarily out of a job; but her real reason went deeper.

You stood before me laughing and talking; rushing from fun to earnest as usual, diplomatically playing with your veil.

" "Ah, my dear," says Manuel, diplomatically, "I did not like to speak of that, I confess, for you know these blondes go off in their appearance so quickly" "Of course they do, but still" "And it not being her fault, after all, I did not like to tell you about Dame Alianora's looking so many years older than you do, since your being a brunette gives you an unfair advantage to begin with.

SEE Grinstead, J. E. GRISCOM, LLOYD C. Diplomatically speaking.

LLOYD C. Diplomatically speaking.

In 1705 he was employed diplomatically at the courts of Prussia, Austria, and Hanover.

"Miss Marlay," said the lawyer, smiling a little as became a man asking a favor from a lady, and yet looking out at Isa in a penetrating way from beneath shadowing eyebrows, "will you have the goodness to tell me the nature of the paper that Mrs. Plausaby signed yesterday?" "Did Mrs. Plausaby sign a paper yesterday?" asked Isabel diplomatically.

There did not seem to be much news in this for Don Felipe, but it gave him much pleasure, and he, not perhaps diplomatically but enthusiastically, pronounced it good.

65 examples of  diplomatically  in sentences