45 examples of disembowelling in sentences

The hills have been cut and scalped, and every gorge and gulch and valley torn to pieces and disemboweled, expressing a fierce and desperate energy hard to understand.

Man consumes the treasures of the earth faster than he produces them, deforesting its surface and disembowelling its hidden wealth.

One rip of its powerful hindfeet could disembowel him.

They will learn the terrible difference between your fury and eagerness to lunge with bayonet and your horror of achievement when the disemboweled victims lie before you.

The seventh shot struck the skipper, Thomas Crisp, D.S.C., R.N.R., taking off both his legs and partly disembowelling him.

When officers from Kultur's class stand by and watch a Turk Just disembowel a mother, why, Bill, it makes me shirk.

embowel^, disbowel^, disembowel; eviscerate, gut; unearth, root out, root up; averuncate^; weed out, get out; eliminate, get rid of, do away with, shake off; exenterate^. vomit, throw up, regurgitate, spew, puke, keck^, retch, heave, upchuck, chuck up, barf; belch out; cast up, bring up, be sick, get sick, worship the porcelain god.

Behind the bank, and in rear of the tent, the cook and his mate were disembowelling a hapless moorghee, a fowl, whose decapitation had just been effected with a huge jagged old cavalry sword, of which my cook was not a little proud; and on the strength of which he adopted fierce military airs, and gave an extra turn to his well-oiled moustache when he went abroad for a holiday.

As to the other illustration, is the reviewer so complete an optimist as to insist that the arrangement and the weapon are wholly perfect (quoad the insect) the normal use of which often causes the animal fatally to injure or to disembowel itself?

The customary device, where contemporaries are concerned, of disembowelling the victim's name, and leaving it a skeleton of consonants, is a formal concession which in effect concedes nothing.

Another guts a blue-book on prison statistics as savagely as though he were disembowelling the whole criminal population.

Let us admit the divine right of Science, admit the fitness of a limited number of our youth to become high-priests in her temple, but no divine right of fossil interpreters of Science to compel the entire generation to disembowel their sons and make of these living temples mere receptacles of Roman, Grecian, or Egyptian relics.

I marked him disembowelling the poor dead beast in right good will, with hands besmeared with blood."

The sloops were all the same, all, all: with sing-song creaks they rocked a little, nonchalantly: each, as it were, with a certain sub-consciousness of its own personality, and callous unconsciousness of all the others round it: yet each a copy of the others: the same hooks and lines, disembowelling-knives, barrels of salt and pickle, piles and casks of opened cod, kegs of biscuit, and low-creaking rockings, and a bilgy smell, and dead men.

While the carcasses thus remained strewn on the ground, the work of disembowelling quickly proceeded.

It was the business of one man to range the game in the order I have mentionedanother ripped open the body with a sharp knife, while a third party, to the amount of a dozen, were engaged in the disembowelling.

They thought absurd and artificial the ideas foisted by politicians, merchants, and lawyers that it was dignified to sit in an office, to sell goods, or to draw up agreements, or undignified to disembowel a pig, make a net, or dig an oven.

"They go out of office, but" "And they do not disembowel themselves on their retirement?

And a sturdy youth with flashing eyes threatened to disembowel with one stroke of his knifelike that!a certain scoffer who maintained that the river would go on rising if only for the pleasure of refuting that charlatan of a friar.

So it seemed to them even when more dimly, as distance and confusion grew and rain-clouds gathered, they saw a wooden ship ram the Tennessee, but glance off, and the slow Tennessee drop astern, allow a sixth tall ship and small consort to pass, but turn in the wake of the seventh and all but disembowel her with the fire of her great bow gun.

The brigand, though he might knock men on the head, will refrain from having his force take the form of butchering women and disembowelling children.

For this crime I disembowel myself, and I beg you who are present to do me the honor of witnessing the act.'

They had only disemboweled him, but Conajo had the heart as a trophy of the accuracy of the shot, though Cushion hadn't a word to say.

If you should swallow him, they would disembowel you in the name of religion.

We had to disembowel the Imperial behind scenes before he could even start, and then the great height of the proscenium made his lighting lose all its value.

45 examples of  disembowelling  in sentences