68 examples of disinfecting in sentences

Typhus and relapsing fever, both lice-borne diseases, used to claim many victims, but the figures fell very rapidly, due largely, no doubt, to the full use to which disinfecting plants were put in all areas of the occupied territory.

" Half-an-hour later, having warned the women to their roomsordering a variety of disinfecting measures in which Martial science excelled while they were needed thereI opened the door of the death chamber to those who carried in a coffer hollowed out of a dark, exceedingly dense natural stone, and half-filled with a liquid of enormous destructive power.

While boiling some formalin or savlon should be added to disinfect the grain.

Fumigation with sulphur is the only practicable method for disinfecting the house.

Once a week each prisoner's blankets and clothes are passed through the disinfecting chamber and thoroughly sterilised.

Two high-pressure steam disinfecting chambers serve the camp, and once a week all blankets are passed through them.

Each camp is provided with a disinfecting furnace, linen and upper garments being sterilised once weekly.

disinfect, fumigate, ventilate, deodorize; whitewash; castrate, emasculate.

Wooden floors are open to the objection that they absorb the urine; but dogs should be taught not to foul their nest, and in any case a frequent disinfecting with a solution of Pearson's or Jeyes' fluid should obviate impurity, while fleas, which take refuge in the dust between the planks, may be dismissed or kept away with a sprinkling of paraffin.

If a woman wishes to show that her husband or her father has got money, which she wants and means to spend, but doesn't know how, let her buy a yard or two of silk and pin it to her dress when she goes out to walk, but let her unpin it before she goes into the house;there may be poor women that will think it worth disinfecting.

The Germans were by no means blind to the peril of an epidemic, and, before they had been three hours in occupation of the city their medical corps was at work cleaning and disinfecting.

Sulphate of iron, in the proportion of 2 per cent., checks this growth, probably by precipitating albumimites from the fluids, and possibly also by its acid reaction; certainly it does not seem to have any specific disinfecting actioni.e., in destroying the bacilli.

But to complete the matter, M. Mégnin adds that it is always advisable to disinfect the soil of preserves.

When a general is not inspecting, some man from the medical corps is disinfecting.

The clothes thus received are passed for special cleansing into the disinfecting rooms.

The disinfecting-room is close to the engine-room, and superheated steam, which the engine supplies, is used for disinfection.

In the sanitary establishment are disinfecting rooms, a mortuary, and ambulances for the conveyance of persons suffering from contagious disease.

At Mariveles there is a very large and complete disinfecting plant, and vessels may also be satisfactorily disinfected at Cebú and Iloilo.

Aunt Barbara knew she could trust old Betty, and so, after getting herself vaccinated in both arms, as a precaution against the smallpox, and procuring various disinfecting agents, and having underpockets put in all her dresses, by way of eluding pickpockets, the good woman started one hot July morning on her mission in search of Ethie.

If we assume that the fires kindled at these festivals were primarily intended to imitate the sun's light and heat, may we not regard the purificatory and disinfecting qualities, which popular opinion certainly appears to have ascribed to them, as attributes derived directly from the purificatory and disinfecting qualities of sunshine?

If we assume that the fires kindled at these festivals were primarily intended to imitate the sun's light and heat, may we not regard the purificatory and disinfecting qualities, which popular opinion certainly appears to have ascribed to them, as attributes derived directly from the purificatory and disinfecting qualities of sunshine?

Rebellion, even in a bad cause, may have its romantic side; treason, which had not been such but for being on the losing side, may challenge admiration; but nothing can sweeten larceny or disinfect perjury.

I wish all the disinfecting fluids invented made such an "abominable smell" that they forced you to admit fresh air.

This much was known, and it had been suggested more than once that the "disinfecting" qualities of the sunlight might be due to the chemical rays killing germs.

I have brought the nursery down to the spare room, and in the large attic, with plenty of disinfecting fluid, we can, as the doctor said, isolate the fever.

68 examples of  disinfecting  in sentences