6 examples of dislodgments in sentences

[Med.], phlebotomy, paracentesis^; expuition, exspuition; tapping, drainage; clearance, clearage^. deportation; banishment &c (punishment ) 972; rouge's march; relegation, extradition; dislodgment. bouncer

Thus by the dislodgment of huge masses of rock which have rolled down from their original positions, and the breaking away of the surfaces of others, the most convincing traces of the sea's action here have nearly disappeared.

I have read and re-read "Spiritual Dislodgments," and remember it well.

I certainly wish for such dislodgments in me and mine, if we need them.

"Sing me no more flattering strains in your letters about the emperor's dislodgment hence," he wrote on the 24th of December to his brother the Cardinal of Lorraine; "take it for certain that unless we be very much mistaken in him, he will not, as long as he has life, brook the shame of departing hence until he has seen it all out.

Light drifts of men thrown forward, fade In skirmish-line along the slope, Where some dislodgments must be made Ere the stormer with the strong-hold cope.

6 examples of  dislodgments  in sentences