8333 examples of displays in sentences

It is hardly good taste to introduce anything of a pathetic nature in an article intended to be humorous, but the following displays such infinite depth of tenderness, fortified by strength of mind, that I cannot forbear.

"Those eyes of thine, which hold more hearts Than are the stars that heaven displays; That slay more Moors with shafts of love Than with his sword the master slays; "When will they soften at my smile?

with other eyes, than once, I gaze, The ever-varying charm your round displays, Than when, ere-while, I taught, "a happy child," The echoes of your rocks my carols wild: Then did no ebb of chearfulness demand Sad tides of joy from Melancholy's hand; 1793.

Upon the varying charm your round displays, 1820.]

The deepest dell the mountain's breast displays, 1793. ...

" No ransom serveth to redeem our days If prowess could preserve, or worthy deeds, He had yet liv'd, whose twelve labours displays His endless fame, and yet his honour spreads.

Unless history is as great a liar as Talleyrand said it was, when he declared that it was founded on a general conspiracy against truth,and who could suppose an English historian capable of lying?shameful exhibitions of fear, flights of whole bodies of troops, and displays of panic terror were very common things with our English ancestors who fought and flourished tempore Caroli Primi.

Although thousands upon thousands of such small meteors have passed through our atmosphere, there is no distinct record of one having ever fallen to the earth during these annual displays.

The tone in which he speaks of his distinguished predecessor is sometimes amusing from the conceit which it displays, sometimes disgusting from its impudence and coarseness.

Vignola, Palladio's elder by a few years, displays in his work even more of the scholastically frigid spirit of the late Renaissance, the narrowing of poetic impulse, and the dwindling of vitality, that sadden the second half of the sixteenth century in Italy.

The noble forms of this group, the largeness of its style, the breadth of drapery and freedom of action it displays, but, above all, the unity of its design, proclaimed that a new era had begun for art.

In the "Adoration of the Magi," carved upon his Pisan pulpit, Madonna assumes the haughty pose of Theseus' wife; while the high priest, in the "Circumcision," displays the majesty of Dionysus leaning on the neck of Ampelus.

Like the pulpits of the Baptistery, of the Duomo of Pisa, and of the Duomo of Siena, it combines bas-reliefs and detached statues, carved capitals, and sculptured lions, in a maze of marvellous invention; but it has no rival in the architectonic effect of harmony, and the masterly feeling for balanced masses it displays.

This piece displays the struggles of twelve naked men, divided into six pairs of combatants.

The mathematical distribution of these dreadful groups gives an effect of frozen passion; while the vigorous workmanship displays not only an enthusiasm for muscular anatomy, but a real sympathy with blood-fury in the artist.

The first displays the solitary vigils, self-imposed penances, cruel temptations, firm endurance, and beatific visions of the anchorites in the Thebaid.

He raises neither repulsion nor desire, but displays with the calm strength of art the empire of the mundane spirit.

Monday, April 24.A night watchman has been instituted mainly for the purpose of observing the aurora, of which the displays have been feeble so far.

Regular attendants, of course, pay for and have reserved their seats, but it is in classing the visitors that the verger displays his talent.

[He radiantly undoes his basket, and displays a honeycomb.

That eager yearning of the nineteenth century for truth and reality, for something more than traditions and national memories, which displays itself in reforms and revolutions of every kind, had little of George Eliot's sympathy.

It displays a remarkable power of assimilating alien elements and inspiring them to an active pursuit of its ideals, and its allegiance supplants all others in the hearts of those exposed to its charm.

The history of a nation must be judged rather by the positive content of its ideals and the positive results which it attains, and herein the Hellenic revival displays certain grave shortcomings.

Let us rather say that it is in the child especially that intelligence displays its brightest rays.

Her fear of death, however, stands in powerful dramatic contrast with the sudden courage she displays when her lover seeks to die in her place.

8333 examples of  displays  in sentences