70 examples of disposer in sentences

"I am but a Gatherer and disposer of other men's stuff.

par mois, n'a réellement pas un écu dont elle peut disposer elle-même et sans le concours de personne" (Octobre 20).ARNETH, i. p. 69.

It is farther mine intention, soon again to travel into foreign and far distant lands, in which I may live or die, as it may please the Almighty Disposer of events.

As the disposer has disposed them?

The General in Chief has received from the Department of War the following orders: The President with deep regret announces to the Army that it has pleased the Disposer of All Human Events, in whose hands are the issues of life, to remove from the scene of earthly existence our illustrious and venerated fellow-citizen, Thomas Jefferson.

"The Lucky Rape: or, Fate the best Disposer" illustrates the spirit of the novelle.

If it be an improper one, the Fault is not in us, but in him who has cast our several Parts, and is the great Disposer of the Drama.

And when your Person shall be so too, that the Author and Disposer of all things may place You in that higher Mansion of Bliss and Immortality which is prepared for good Princes, Lawgivers, and Heroes, when HE in HIS due Time removes them from the Envy of Mankind, is the hearty Prayer of, My LORD, Your Graces Most Obedient, Most Devoted Humble Servant, THE SPECTATOR.

But when I feel that I have done all in my power, and that this delay may be designed by the wise disposer of all events for a trial of patience, I find relief and a disposition quietly to wait such issue as he shall direct, knowing that, if I sincerely have put my trust in him, he will not lead me astray, and my way will, in any event, be made plain.

Perhaps the Great Disposer saw that in your case the pebble got nearly all the polishing it would stand,the man nearly all the chances he could improve.

"I am but a Gatherer and disposer of other men's stuff.

THE GATHERER "I am but a Gatherer and disposer of other men's stuff.

"I am but a Gatherer and disposer of other men's stuff,"Wotton.

"I am but a Gatherer and disposer of other men's stuff.

* THE GATHERER "I am but a Gatherer and disposer of other men's stuff.

So little can human foresight fathom the designs of the Almighty Disposer of all things!

This conclusion spoils my story as a moral one; and had I been the disposer of events, the Septembriser, the regicide, and the cold assassin of the Toulonais, should have found other rewards than affluence, and a wife who might represent one of Mahomet's Houris.

If it be an improper one, the Fault is not in us, but in him who has cast our several Parts, and is the great Disposer of the Drama.

And when your Person shall be so too, that the Author and Disposer of all things may place You in that higher Mansion of Bliss and Immortality which is prepared for good Princes, Lawgivers, and Heroes, when HE in HIS due Time removes them from the Envy of Mankind, is the hearty Prayer of, My LORD, Your Graces Most Obedient, Most Devoted Humble Servant, THE SPECTATOR.

But without considering the Supernatural Blessing which accompanies this Duty, we may observe that it has a natural Tendency to its own Reward, or in other Words, that this firm Trust and Confidence in the great Disposer of all Things, contributes very much to the getting clear of any Affliction, or to the bearing it manfully.

15. 'Who guides below, and rules above, The great Disposer, and the mighty King: Than he none greater, like him none That can be, is, or was; Supreme he singly fills the throne.' (Creech).

from 1790 to 1795: "It should seem that the reign of George the Third had been reserved by the Great Disposer of all things for the glorious task of establishing the grand keystone to that expansive arch over which the arts and sciences should pass to the furthermost corners of the earth, for the instruction and happiness of the most lowly children of nature.

#disposer#, dispose; #en #, p.76, l.8, command it.

"I am but a Gatherer and disposer of other men's stuff.

Et vous, Lisette, disposer la Comtesse à se l'entendre dire?

70 examples of  disposer  in sentences