155 examples of disqualify in sentences

The associations accepted it partly because it recognized the principle that sex should not disqualify, but principally because it was unquestionably all that they could get at present.

They can disqualify by vote, but not by law; they cannot know that the sentence of disqualification pronounced to-day may not become void to-morrow, by the dissolution of their own house.

But do these excrescences, which only proceed from the richness and fertility of the soil, disqualify a man for public business?

disfranchise, disentitle, disqualify; invalidate. relax &c (be lax) 738; misbehave &c (vice) 945; misbecome^. Adj.

It might well be deemed harsh to disqualify an individual from any office, clearly required by the exigencies of the country, simply because he had done his duty....

COLOURPure white, coloured marking to disqualify.

When not cropped, it should be a semi-erect ear, but others do not disqualify.

Black or grey hairs disqualify for competition.

A dog having lost a tooth or two, through accident or otherwise, is not to disqualify, providing the jaws are even.

A few white hairs in any of the self colours shall not necessarily disqualify.

The presence of a few white hairs intermixed with the black on the chest of a Black and Tan, or intermixed with the red on the chest of a Ruby Spaniel, shall carry weight against a dog, but shall not in itself absolutely disqualify; but a white patch on the chest or white on any other part of a Black and Tan or Ruby Spaniel shall be a disqualification.

Anything over 18 lb. should disqualify.

He thought that the education of the emancipated negroes should combine industry with study even in childhood, so as not to disqualify the taught for cultivating the ground.

The referee shall be the sole judge of any intentional delay, and after giving due warning he may disqualify the offender.

Was it not plain, that this trembling sensibility, which has marked my character from earliest infancy, must for ever disqualify me for a profession whichwhat do ye want?

"Or disqualify us for receiving instruction or reproof of others.

"Or disqualify us for receiving instruction or reproof from others.

"There are very many causes which disqualify a witness for being received to testify in particular cases.

He had lost a leg in Algeria and an eye somewhere else, and he could not comprehend why such trivial matters should disqualify a man for killing pigs.

On the other hand, many men, by their own vice and intemperance, disqualify themselves for conversation.

Undoubtedly, in the case of some mystics, there has been great disturbance both of the psychic and physical nature, but on this account to disqualify the statements of Plotinus, St Augustine, Eckhart, Catherine of Siena, Catherine of Genoa, Blake, and Wordsworth, would seem analogous to Macaulay's view that "perhaps no person can be a poet, or can even enjoy poetry without a certain unsound

But all his opinions of men and things were prejudices, which, however, did not disqualify him for writing admirable poetry.

The habitual violation of any one of these commands would seem, according to the spirit of the Ancient Constitutions, to disqualify a candidate for Masonry.

I am convinced that the gayety and extravagance of her taste, the frivolous levity of her manners, disqualify her for the station in which I wished to have placed her.

He nevertheless believes that this does not disqualify him for showing by other instances than his own how not to write.

155 examples of  disqualify  in sentences