362 examples of dissembles in sentences

It is proverbially said, that he who dissembles his own character, may be known by that of his companions.

with courage of a man Bridle this over-grieving passion, Or else dissemble it to comfort her. ROB.

Meanwhile political troubles came so thick and heavy on the King, some of his powerful nobles being in open rebellion, that he felt it necessary to dissemble and defer the gratification of his vengeance on the man he hated more than any personage in England.

He has all her portion of land, coin, plate, jewels, and now dissembles thus, lest we should borrow some money of him.

The physician also who dissembles, quickly comes to lose the confidence of his patient, and has thereafter no way of getting himself believed.

And yet doe not; For, if you raile, too, men that know you can Dissemble, may beleeve you love me, and Tis not my ayme.

I will first define the vice, and then describe the quality and manners of the man who dissembles.

At the approach of danger he could dissemble; and, whenever it suited his views, could change his measures without changing his object.

I warrant you, my Lord, the Duke dissembles.

Twas so of old, and ever will be, and which Tiresias advised Ulysses in the poet,Accipe qua ratione queas ditescere, &c., is still in use; lie, flatter, and dissemble: if not, as he concludes,Ergo pauper eris, then go like a beggar as thou art.

Patience in such cases is a most sovereign remedy, to put up, conceal, or dissemble it, to forget and forgive, "not seven, but seventy-seven times, as often as he repents forgive him;" Luke xvii.

But to such as are judicious, meek, submissive, and quiet, these matters are easily remedied: they will forbear upon all such occasions, neglect, contemn, or take no notice of them, dissemble, or wisely turn it off.

[4054]Lie not, dissemble not.

By good counsel, advice of friends, to contemn or dissemble it.

Can Abdalla then dissemble!

Mr. Vice-President and Gentlemen of the Senate: It would be an affectation in me to dissemble the pleasure I feel on receiving this kind address.

The guide's visible efforts to dissemble the truth only made things worse.

It is through her that men, as depraved as they are, have not yet presumed openly to bestow on vice the name of virtue, and that they are reduced to dissemble being just, sincere, moderate, benevolent, in order to gain one another's esteem.

But the possibility of a mother's not finding room for her son, however cramped her own quarters, seemed not to have occurred to her new relations, and the preparing of her dressing-room and boudoir for Paul's occupancy was carried on by the household with a zeal which obliged her to dissemble her lukewarmness.

Still, even these conditions were not permanent, and the discipline of the last years had trained Undine to wait and dissemble.

He was prudent enough, however, to dissemble his feelings.

The modern economiser keeps back his opinions, or dissembles the grounds of them, for the sake of leaving his neighbours the more at their ease in the peaceful sloughs of prejudice and superstition and low ideals.

In the one case, the compromiser rejects the highest truth, or dissembles his own acceptance of it.

Yet by this criterion we must be content to judge, because no other can be obtained; and, indeed, we have no reason to think it very fallacious, for excepting here and there an anomalous mind, which either does not feel like others, or dissembles its sensibility, we find men unanimously concur in attributing happiness or misery to particular conditions, as they agree in acknowledging the cold of winter and the heat of autumn.

Sure he dissembles; and, perhaps, may prove My ruin, with his new ambitious love: Were but this stranger kind, I'd cross his art, And give my empire, where I gave my heart.

362 examples of  dissembles  in sentences