89 examples of distantly in sentences

A minute went by; then the gate on the West side of the gardens, slammed, distantly.

For several years, she has been reserving this honest coin to pay her funeral expenses; and one cannot help surmising that she must have been distantly related to the late Old Bullion BENTON.

I am glad to prove to you that to some extent I depart from my national character and approach, however, distantly, to yours.

THE TROUBLE WITH THE COMING MAN IS THAT HE'S GONE!" CHAPTER X A LADY OF POWERS Superficially and distantly considered, the woman from whom even J. Rodney Potts must flee in terror would not be of a sort to excite the imagination pleasurably.

The young ladies and Sir Henry bowed distantly, and the gentleman soon drew off into another part of the room: his absence alone kept Jane from fainting.

Already, it seemed, the jingo papers were taunting the administration with undue truckling to the wishes of Germany, with a lack of stamina and backbone in shortwith something like treachery toward Prince Ferdinand and treason toward the royal family, with which the Prince was distantly allied.

Oh, Bertie" "Quite," I said, a little distantly.

"So you don't love hosses, eh?" he said, returning distantly to the subject.

All this is by the way, to show that my apology for Mordax was not founded on his persuasion of superiority in his own motives, but on the compatibility of unfair, equivocal, and even cruel actions with a nature which, apart from special temptations, is kindly and generous; and also to enforce the need of checks from a fellow-feeling with those whom our acts immediately (not distantly) concern.

The two seem to have had no closer intercourse: Beatrice shone distantly like a star and her lover worshipped her with increasing loyalty and fervour, overlaying the idea of her, as one might say, with gold and radiance, very much as we shall see Fra Angelico adding glory to the Madonna and Saints in his pictures, and with a similar intensity of ecstasy.

He registered distantly that he was in bed with a woman he didn't know, but her warm body and the soft cotton nightgown under his hand made that unimportant.

San Francisco Bay was distantly visible from the bleachers, blue shading to gray.

There were other sounds which betokened the loggers' activity in the near-by forest,the ringing whine of saw blades, the dull stroke of the axe, voices calling distantly.

When aunt Agnes said good night, it was so very distantly, so very unkindly, that an angry demand for explanation almost rose to Emilie's lips, and though she did not utter it, she said her good night coldly and stiffly too, and thus they parted.

Although only distantly related, you are cousins, after allare you not?' 'Yes, we are cousins, but the relationship is remote.

she said distantly, with a nervous simper; and she passed on.

"Salute me distantly and as a stranger," said the girl, in almost breathless haste, "and point to the different streets, as if inquiring your way through the town.

Miss L'Estrange and myself were much together when childrenour mothers were distantly relatedand at the present time we areexcellent friends.

"Yes, distantly; and, after a fashion, we have adopted her.

If such is the will of destiny, the most distantly separated persons come together, and the nearest neighbors never see each other.

Off to the east hung angry clouds from which the thunder echoed distantly; a thunder low, grumbling, continual, menacing, and through the clouds at night were lightning flashes of an angry red.

Readers of GOLDSMITH may suggest that Anthony Lumpkin, Esq., was not a brilliant Lumpkin; but it may well be that he was only distantly connected with that branch of the family from which Lord DURHAM traces his descent.

" "At Mr. Waring's farm," responded John, distantly; adding, more truthfully than politely, "I doubt you'd best keep away though.

His canoe was known, and when it hovered even distantly on the river every child ran to its mother.

The protests of most of these leagues amount to little more than vain clamor against a thing which is not even distantly comprehended.

89 examples of  distantly  in sentences