38 examples of distrait in sentences

Only then, so distrait to-day was Gloria, did she think of changing from her boyish suit into a house dress.

King sought to guess at what might be the emotions of a young girl going on with Gloria's present emotional adventurevain task of a mere man seeking to fathom those troubled feminine depths!marking that she was a little nervous and distrait.

She was distrait for an instant.

She brightened a little, but was still distrait.

Ina had assumed for the purpose an air distrait, casual, attentive to the scene about them.

In the drawing-room they halted, he leaning heavily on the back of a chair, she, distrait, restless, pacing the polished parquet, treading her roses under foot, turning from time to time to look at hima strange, direct, pure-lidded gaze that seemed to freshen his very soul.

But that night, when they had passed from the cloister into Fra Paolo's study-cell, continuing as they walked the train of thought they had been discussing, his listener soon became so distrait that Fra Paolo, who was singularly conscious of unspoken moods, dropped the problem he was unfolding and laid his hand upon his shoulder with the rare tenderness expressed only where he hoped that he might serve.

"My friend," she exclaimed, "you are distrait!

"Young gents at the school, sir," said the porter, perceiving from Mike's distrait air that the boy was a stranger to the place, "goes up in the bus mostly.

Androvsky was evidently ill at ease; Trevignac was distrait at moments, strangely watchful of his host at other moments.

And you are distrait!" Lewisham looked up.

LE DISTRAIT Un homme qui était souvent distrait écrivit la lettre suivante à un de ses amis: "Mon cher ami, j'ai oublié ma canne chez vous; faites-moi le plaisir de me la rendre par le porteur de ce billet.

LE DISTRAIT Un homme qui était souvent distrait écrivit la lettre suivante à un de ses amis: "Mon cher ami, j'ai oublié ma canne chez vous; faites-moi le plaisir de me la rendre par le porteur de ce billet.

Puis il ferme sa lettre et l'envoie. À qui le distrait a-t-il écrit?Dans quel but?Qu'avait-il oublié?Qu'est-il arrivé ensuite?Comment a-t-il voulu épargner de l'ennui à son ami?

'You seem quite distrait,' continued Lady Monteagle, after a moment's pause, which his lordship ought to have broken.

They walked on; but Captain Cadurcis was rather distrait: his eye was always watching the wind; at last he said, 'I tell you, Venetia, we must walk quickly; for, by Jove, we are going to have a white squall.

My friend seemed to me distrait and heavy-hearted; his wife seemed to be pathetically affectionate and anxious.

She was quick enough to see it, and, with the distrait manner of a true woman of the world, quickly changed the subject.

XV LES DEUX TÊTES Ratbert en ce moment, distrait jusqu'à sourire, Écoutait Afranus à voix basse lui dire: Majesté, le caveau du trésor est trouvé. L'aïeul

But he must be distrait, indeed, if he could forget the claim his good aunt had upon him.

Among other words which have been borrowed at various times and more or less naturalized, but which are now being driven out of the language, are the following: confrere, congee, cortege, dishabille, distrait, ensemble, fête, flair, mellay (now mêlée), nonchalance, provenance, renconter, &c.

"Perhaps not, if I were cool and kept my eyes open; but to-night I am distrait, and should be as defenceless as yourself.

#distrait, -e#, absent-minded, distraught.

J'en conviens; mais le temps se passe: on est distrait, on ne sait pas si les gens sont de votre avis.

A quoi rêvez-vous? DORANTE, toujours distrait.

38 examples of  distrait  in sentences