52 examples of distressingly in sentences

'I'm sure you are,' said Edith; 'it could be no possible satisfaction to you to know that a friend and colleague of yours is either distressingly hard up or painfully penurious.

I pretty well knewof distressingly uncertain duration.

In England nothing really important is a secret, and the amount of privileged political information to be gleaned in barbers' shops, even when they are patronized by Civil servants, is distressingly small.

They were distressingly and disappointingly normal.

Somewhat reassured by our noisy presence, however,for she was plucky at heart,she pulled herself together and tried to explain what had happened; and her broken words, told there on the edge of night and morning upon this wild island ridge, were oddly thrilling and distressingly convincing.

Then, of course, he wished to know what I was looking at, and I told him that a blue grosbeak had just flown into that pine-tree, and that I was most distressingly anxious to see more of him.

The odds keep distressingly low; but no one seems to be either elated or depressed, whatever happens.

In many towns whose antiquity and picturesqueness are more popular than the attractions of Whitby, the railway deposits one in some distressingly ugly modern excrescence, from which it may even be necessary for a stranger to ask his way to the old-world features he has come to see.

Miss Wimple was distressingly sensitive for the safety of her protégée from scandalous discovery.

The fortune of my family, who were lodged in the town, was wholly and distressingly adverse.

Having taken the disease which the Crusaders brought back from the East, they were favoured with a religious ceremony distressingly similar to the office for the dead.

Instead of it, there were nothing but distressingly bright pictures by artists who had had the bad taste to paint raw Nature just as they saw it.

That tone of the somnambulist, differing so slightly yet so distressingly from normal, waking speech, seemed to her somehow wicked.

I was insanely sentimental enough to rather resent the fact that Charlie was prosaically well off: his circumstances were distressingly easy.

" These interruptions were getting to be distressingly frequent.

For spies were at that time looming distressingly large in the public mind.

Among some of those manumitted and sent out of their original states as by law required, disappointment and homesickness were distressingly keen.

During the early part of the afternoon it was overcast, and we started our lightened sledge with a good swing, but during the last two hours the sun cast shadows again, and the work was distressingly hard.

He woke up and lay awake, thinking of the brightness a little dulled, and wondering how he would feel if perhaps when the great occasion (whatever it might be) should arrive, one button should chance to be ever so little short of its first glittering freshness, and for days and days that thought remained with him distressingly.

The gilding of the nimbi seemed well done certainly, and was still bright, but to the ordinary eye the stiffness of the figures, the lack of grace, the absence of soul in the composition was distressingly apparent.

Your recital of the church sewing-bee, where all the good Christian women described their diseases and the different operations they and their friends had undergone, is as amusing as it is distressingly realistic.

His voice, always distressingly harsh, was now so awful that it was fascinating.

My mind continues distressingly exercised and anxious that mother's eyes should be open to all the iniquities of the system she upholds.

For Billy Boyle was distressingly human in his rages as in his happier moods, and was not given to gentle, picturesque melancholy and to wailing at the silent stars.

And just as his men were turning the corner and beginning to push their horses into the crowd, one of them slipped sideways on the flagstones, with which, most distressingly to horses not used to them, the streets of Florence are paved, and came down with his rider partly under him.

52 examples of  distressingly  in sentences