29 examples of don's in sentences

[splendid] friths and lakes which, far away, Are by smooth Annan fill'd, or pastoral Tay, Or Don's romantic springs; at distance, hail!

"Then we being met friends all, let's have up a bottle and heave off on this here business without more ado," says Evans; and with that he seats himself in the Don's chair, pokes up the fire with his boots, and spits on the hearth.

" With this he rings the bell for our reckoning, and so ends our discussion, neither Dawson nor I having a word to say in answer to this last hit, which showed us pretty plainly that in reaching round with her long leg for our shins, Moll had caught the Don's shanks a kick that night she was seized with a cough.

Not a word says our Don Sanchez, but feigning still to believe him a man of quality, he returns the other Don's salutation with all the ceremony possible.

"May Baba," says the old Moor; and repeating this phrase thrice (which is a sure sign of hearty welcome), he claps the Don's hand, without shaking it, and lays his own upon his breast, the Don doing likewise.

On the third day of July, all things falling in pat with the Don's design, we bade farewell to Elche, Dawson and I with no sort of regret, but Moll in tears at parting from those friends she had grown to love very heartily.

" We lay this lesson seriously to heart, Dawson and I, for the Don's hint that we might end our career in gaol did still rankle woundily in our minds.

But the officers were mighty curious to know what ailed Captain Robert Evans (meaning Dawson), fearing he might be ill of the plague; however, on the Don's vowing that he was only sick of a surfeit, Captain Ballcock declared he had guessed it the moment he clapt eyes on him, as he himself had been taken of the same complaint with only eating a dish of pease pudding.

" "You mean that, Señor," cries Jack, seizing the Don's hand and raising his left.

"Done!" cries Dawson, bringing his hand down with a smack on the Don's palm.

That first hint of the Don's bringing him to his senses somewhat (like a dash of cold water), and the exuberance of his joy subsiding, he quickly became more circumspect in his behaviour, and fell into the part he had to play.

Juan Munoz, the Don's old valet, had been sent to this city, by his master, and was now making the best of his way home.

Before he could get up Don was close to him, and, the next moment Squinty felt his ear being taken between Don's strong, white teeth.

Had she some such love-token on her neck as the old Don's revolver had left on his?

Time was when a traveler might shoot a fat yearling and feast his fill, unquestioned by the don or the don's dark-eyed vaqueros.

Though the old don's cattle might be butchered under his very nose, Manuel's few belongings would not be molested, though only the dingy brown hide of a bull long since gone the way of all flesh barred the way; a week, one month or six the hut would stand inviolate from despoliation; for such was the unwritten law of a land where life was held cheaper than the things necessary to preserve life.

But José was not a fixture upon the ranch, and the don's friendship for the two seemed unchanged.

I heard Don's clear voice, permeating the thin, cool air, seemingly to leave a quality of wildness upon it; yet I could not locate him.

Remounting my mustang I kept as close to Don's heels as the rough going permitted.

A white bank of weathered stones led down to a clump of cedars from where Don's bay came spurring me to greater efforts.

" That was the first instance I ever knew of Don's hesitation in the chase of a lion.

Pulling one end of his lasso up around the cedar he gathered it in a coil on his arm and faced forward, following Don's trail.

But pity did not hold me long; Don's yelp, now getting clear and sharp, brought back the rush of savage, grim sensations.

And she went to the don's plantation as interpreter, followed by Agricola's prayer to Fate that she might in some way be overtaken by disaster.

There was a moment of handshaking with the good father, then a moment of palpitation and holding of the breath, and thenyou would have known it by the turning away of two or three feminine heads in tearsthe lily hand became the don's, to have and to hold, by authority of the Church and the Spanish king.

29 examples of  don's  in sentences