6772 examples of dont think in sentences

I do not think the lad was born at Gosport.

Do you love me?" "No, I dont think I do.

I dont think I ought, either; but I want him to be told something that may prevent a great deal of unhappiness.

" "I dont think he is a hypocrite.

"Dont think any more about it," said Marmaduke.

" "I know you did; but I didnt think you were in earnest.

" "I dont think so.

" "You dont think that the beard has spoiled him, do you?" said Mrs. Douglas.

" "I dont think you are quite right there, Sholto.

I dont think I have another.

I dont think our Armande is particularly intelligent; but I am resolved to spare her knees and her temper in future by banishing hearthstone from our establishment forever.

" "I dont think it mean to leave you, not a bit of it.

Pray dont think of me.

I've been in a fog without a compass for nearly three days, and I didn't thought I was ever to see land again.

I didn't thought I was so weak.

"I didn't thought he liked me very much," said he.

"I didn't thought it would have moved her, or I should have been silent.

"You go too far, sir," said he, angrily; "I didn't thought you would have gone so far.

"I didn't thought anybody was there.

I didn't thought I could have been so happy in the quiet country as you have made me.

It was addressed in big letters to "The good people of West Inch;" and this was the note, which lies before me all stained and faded as I write: "My friends, I didn't thought to have left you so suddenly, but the matter was in other hands than mine.

"I didn't thought to have seen you here, and yet I might have known it, too, when I saw friend Jim.

I dont think the doctors knew what my trouble was.

And for another I didn’t think the time ripe.

You acted nobly, and I must confess, Bates, that I didn’t think it was in you.

6772 examples of  dont think  in sentences