55 examples of doorbell in sentences

As he spoke, there was a ring at the doorbell.

" "Yes, you look so," said her father, and just then the doorbell rang.

That's the first ring at our own doorbell, our own doorbell, you know; and hasn't it a musical ring?

That's the first ring at our own doorbell, our own doorbell, you know; and hasn't it a musical ring?

Why, there's the doorbell; perhaps that's Marian now.

" While he was hooking up he explained that he had been to a nearby village for a dry battery for the electric doorbell.

And the doorbell rang.

She sat motionless while the doorbell rang, and rang again.

[devices which make a resonating sound] bell, doorbell, buzzer; gong, cymbals (musical instruments)

The doorbell rang.

Before he finished, the doorbell rang, and Freda announced that there was a lady to see him.

From somewhere in the rear of the house he heard the clamor of a doorbell, then the sound of footsteps in the hall, the opening and closing of the front doorand then Naomi Lawrence appeared in the music room.

Whenever the doorbell rang she stopped and waited for Ardelia's heavy foot upon the stairs as she toiled up with the telegram or special delivery.

" CHAPTER XXVII "I LOVE YOU, DAVID!" Polly happened to answer the doorbell when David rang.

Meantime, downstairs, the front doorbell had rung.

It does seem" The doorbell rang.

At that instant the doorbell rang, and the maid brought in a telegram.

Doorbell rings!

The last doorbell, by John K. Vedder, pseud.

The last doorbell, by John K. Vedder, pseud.

" He was this morning seated in his library, with his feet protruding through the curtains and resting on the foot of his bed, when the doorbell rang.

" A ring at the doorbell caused us to think that he had been found, but it proved to be the student to whom Kennedy had telephoned at his own laboratory.

Then came a violent peal of the doorbell; and he knowing that Mrs. Galbraith had retired for the evening, went to answer it.

So, shortly after midnight, the doorbell was rung, when Mr. Babbitt inquired: "Who is there?" "Mrs. Swisshelm.'

A man sprang up the outside steps and rang the doorbell imperatively.

55 examples of  doorbell  in sentences