36 examples of doorpost in sentences

He left the doorpost, straightened his bowed back, and laid a hand on the wooden latch.

The Austrian sentry, also a Magyar, had been fastened by the leg to the doorpost outside the entrance to the dug-out.

Mr. Chase, leaning against the doorpost, listened with open mouth and distended eyeballs.

Mr. Chase, leaning against the doorpost, listened with open mouth and distended eyeballs.

The long mud nest is built upright, often in the angle of a doorpost or panel; and always added to, and entered from, below.

The old gentleman led the way into some business premises, which had the inscription, "Cheeryble Brothers," on the doorpost, and stopped to speak to an elderly, large-faced clerk in the counting-house.

But I sealed the door and outside, opposite each doorpost I made the First and Last signs of the Saaamaaa Ritual, joined them as before, with a triple line.

This panel was opened, by revolving the left doorpost of the bedroom door, with the result that the bedroom door always became unlatched, in the process of opening the panel.

"I've brought 'im 'ome," he said, steadying himself against the doorpost; "brought 'im 'ome.

"I've brought 'im 'ome," he said, steadying himself against the doorpost; "brought 'im 'ome.

The conjurer leant against the doorpost faintly.

Coming out again, she crouched down on her heels against the doorpost, and silently watched us with impenetrable eyes, that never blinked or turned aside, no matter how much one stared.

A faint cry broke from Katherine, and she caught at the doorpost to save herself.

He was still sitting on the bench by the hut door, and Mary was leaning against the doorpost.

You have come just at the right time, I think," Jervis went on; and at the suggestion of Mr. Selincourt the two sat down on the bench side by side, while Mary remained leaning against the doorpost as before.

In an instant I took my gun from the corner, ran downstairs, and out of the house in such a hurry that I imprudently struck my face against the doorpost.

A good many people seem to live in each housethey are fairly large houses, by the wayand there is quite a company of bell-handles on each doorpost, all down the side like organ-stops.

" Douglas consented; and they went to Queen Victoria Street, to a building which had on each doorpost a brass shield inscribed THE CONOLLY ELECTRO-MOTOR COMPANY OF LONDON, LIMITED.

After he had welcomed me effusively he led us through a rat-run maze of streets to a good-sized house with snub-nosed lions carved on the stone doorposts and a lot of other marks of both Roman and crusader.

Theysociable gentlemenwould stand on her doorstep, one grimy hand resting against the white of her doorpost, exchanging the time of day with Blanche in the doorwaya tea towel in one hand, perhaps, and a plate in the other.

"As soon as you go into the Labyrinth where the monster is kept, fasten one end of the thread to the stone doorpost, and then unwind it as you go along.

Dunwody threw himself against the doorpost with a growl of anger.

"Miss Heptonstall," he began, screwing his head insinuatingly round the doorpost.

I know of your meetings, your comings and your goings" They reached the door, but Benoni barred the way with his long arm, and seemed about to lay a hand upon her wrist, so that she shrank back against the heavy doorpost in an agony of horror and loathing and wounded pride.

See," he went on, "if I know anything more about this story than that doorpost there, may I never hope for salvation.

36 examples of  doorpost  in sentences