15 examples of dorians in sentences

" Behind the Oriental legends which form the basis of Grecian mythology there was, in all probability, in those ancient times before the Pelasgians were known as Ionians and the Hellenes as Dorians, a mystical and indefinite idea of supreme power,as among the Persians, the Hindus, and the esoteric priests of Egypt.

The Dorians, who descended from the mountains of northern Greece, eighty years after the fall of Troy, were the first who added substantially to the architectural art of Asiatic nations, by giving simplicity and harmony to their temples.

It was among the ancient Dorians, who descended from the mountains of northern Greece eighty years after the fall of Troy, that architectural art worthy of the name first appeared.

But these edifices, which aimed at splendor and richness merely, were deficient in that simplicity and harmony which have given immortality to the temples of the Dorians.

Were they Dorians, or Heraclidae, Achaeans or Pelasgi?

[Footnote 2: When the Dorians invaded Peloponnesos one of their leaders is said to have been Oxylos, a man of Elean descent but living in Aitolia.

* * Rhodes is said to have been colonised at the time of the Dorian migrations by Argive Dorians from Epidauros, who were Herakleidai of of the family of Tlepolemos.

[Footnote 9: The Dorians.]

As was Bellerophon: islanders in speech, For Dorians may talk Doric, I presume? PRAXINOÄ.

Cos saw, and shouted loud; Handled the babe all tenderly, and spake: "Wake, babe, to bliss: prize me, as Phoebus doth His azure-spherèd Delos: grace the hill Of Triops, and the Dorians' sister shores, As king Apollo his Rhenæa's isle.

In the same manner were these exercises regarded by the Dorians and the people of some other of the Grecian States.

CODRUS, the last king of Athens; sacrificed his life to fulfil an oracle, which promised victory to the side whose king fell in an engagement between the Athenians and Dorians in 1132 B.C. COEHOORN, BARON VAN, a Dutch military engineer; fortified Namur, and defended it against Vauban; was successful in besieging many towns during the war of the Spanish Succession; author of a treatise on fortification (1641-1704).

DORIANS, one of the four divisions of the Hellenic race, the other three being the Achæans, the Æolians, and the Ionians; at an early period overran the whole Peloponnesus; they were a hardy people, of staid habits and earnest character.

DOROS, a son of Helen and grandson of Deucalion, the father of the Dorians, as his brother Æolis was of the Æolians.

It was that remarkable period in which the Spartans were gathering poets and musicians from the outer world of liberal accomplishment to educate their children; for the Dorians thought it beneath the dignity of a Dorian citizen to practice these things themselves.

15 examples of  dorians  in sentences