52 examples of dorking in sentences

It is divided into a variety of breeds, but the most esteemed are, the Poland or Black, the Dorking, the Bantam, the Game Fowl, and the Malay or Chittagong.

The common, or barn-door fowl, is one of the most delicate of the varieties; and at Dorking, in Surrey, the breed is brought to great perfection.

Nine eggs may be placed under a Bantam hen, and as many as fifteen under a Dorking.

The Dorking's chief characteristic is that he has five claws on each foot; the extra claw, however, is never of sufficient length to encumber the foot, or to cause it to "drag" its nest, or scratch out the eggs.

The colour of the true Dorking is pure white; long in the body, short in the legs, and a prolific layer.

Thirty years ago, there was much controversy respecting the origin of the Dorking.

The men of Sussex declared that the bird belonged to them, and brought birds indigenous to their weald, and possessing all the Dorking fine points and peculiarities, in proof of the declaration.

Others inclined to the belief that the Poland bird was the father of the Dorking, and not without at least a show of reason, as the former bird much resembles the latter in shape; and, despite its sombre hue, it is well known that the Poland cock will occasionally beget thorough white stock from white English hens.

The commotion has, however, long ago subsided, and Dorking still retains its fair reputation for fowl.

The flesh of this fowl is esteemed; but, from the smallness of its body when compared with that of the Dorking, it is not placed on an equality with it for the table.

He could only command the concentration of thought necessary for this work, during the complete leisure of his holiday for a month or six weeks annually: and he commenced it in the summer of 1822, in the first holiday he passed at Dorking; in which neighbourhood, from that time to the end of his life, with the exception of two years, he lived, as far as his official duties permitted, for six months of every year.

He died in 1909 at the age of eighty-one and was laid beside his wife in the Dorking cemetery.

At Dorking, in Surrey, attached to one of the inns is a ball-room, which cost the builder £12,000, and here is one, or at most three balls during the year, while at scores of places within our recollection, of less consequence, there are monthly and even weekly balls; and we are inclined to think these periodical recreations of great importance to the happiness of country towns.

But I summon these Cocks, from Dorking to Bantam, to defend with me A COCK [Nonchalantly.]

For the information of the home tourist, perhaps, I ought to mention that Box Hill stands about 22 miles on the left of the road from London to Worthing, Brighton, and Bognor, and about 2 miles N.E. of the town of Dorking.

Taking the town of Dorking for a resting point, the long belt is about twelve miles in extent.

The second range or ledge, beneath Denbies, is the celebrated Dorking lime-works.

The little parterre to be described, includes the sheltered town of Dorking, environed with rich lawny slopes, variegated with villas in the last taste; and little heights, from whose clustering foliage peeps the cottage roof of humble life.

In the road from Dorking thence is Wotton, the family seat of the Evelyns.

ETC.Villa at Dorking.

S.A.] * * * * * VILLA AT DORKING.

Abridged from "Cameleon Sketches," by the author of the "Promenade round Dorking.

My pilot was bringing her from Town one afternoon last weektook the Dorking-Leith Hill air-way, you know, always bumpy over thereand

" Here is a portion of a letter written in England:"The railway from Farnborough went through a most beautiful country,by Guildford, Dorking, and Boxhill.

As to food, it was impossible to send to the butcher; and even if I could have sacrificed my precious Dorking fowls, there would have been scant time to prepare them.

52 examples of  dorking  in sentences