260 examples of dormant in sentences

FUNGI.The quick growth of the mushroom and other fungi is no less wonderful than the length of time they live, and the numerous dangers they resist while they continue in the dormant state.

But the man, all emotion having receded from his eyes, was once more like so much rock, but rock endowed with dormant power of aggression.

And then, like a dormant live thing, awaking after ages to the sense of its own powers, its own needs, the whole lump is seized, atom after atom, with an infectious hunger for that oxygen which it lost centuries since in the bottom of the earth.

If patriotism were dormant in the East, however, in the growing West, and the generous South it was strong.

Unfortunately, in a country like Afghanistan, where fanaticism is so rampant, once let it be even surmised that outsiders, and these the detested Kafirs, are about, the bare contradiction does not suffice, and the original idea only lies dormant, as our future progress showed.

It has been triumphantly asked, 'Had not the plays of Shakspeare lain dormant for many years before the appearance of Mr. Garrick?

The woman he had wrongedthe woman he worshipped so madlyfor whom his whole being mental and physical craved desperately, yearning, unceasingly,without whom he lived in a torture that was never dormant!

" It was kindly spoken, so kindly that the flare of anger died out of Piers on the instant, and the sweetness dormant in himthat latent sweetness that had won Avery's heartcame swiftly to the surface.

A franklin, or country gentleman, mixes with the company, with a white beard and red complexion; one of Epicurus's own sons, who held that ale and wheaten bread and fish and dainty flesh, partridge fat, were pure felicity; evidently a man given to hospitality, "His table dormant in his hall alway Stood ready covered all the longe day.

And now for the first time in his life that dormant part of his instinct leaped into warning wakefulness, and he understood.

Perchance some fervid plea may find A heart to rise to its appeal; Some statement rouse a dormant mind, Or stir a spirit, quick to feel; Nay, through some note of gentler tone Even love may recognize its own.

This controversy passed away with the occasion, nothing surviving it save the dormant letter of the statute.

They always roused her own none too dormant willfulness.

Indeed, ever since that childish sermon, with the big gray rock as a pulpit, it had been in his mind, sometimes dormant, breaking out again into strong feeling when for a moment he stood on some hilltop of life and took in its fullest, grandest meaning, or in the dark valley of suffering and sorrow held close communion with God and saw the beauty of serving Him by serving his fellowmen.

May this little book aid in the general awaking of the dormant love of every Californian for his possessions and be a suggestion to the casual visitor that we are entitled to the dignity of age.

It is a great thing to know that a cat's tree-climbing abilities are not hopelessly dormant.

In all untrained and vulgar minds, the ambition of speaking well is but a dormant or very weak principle.

And the language does not contain a more magnificent or perfect image than that in which he likens a strong nation at peace to a great man-of-war lying calm and motionless till the moment for action comes, when "it puts forth all its beauty and its bravely collects its scattered elements of strength, and awakens its dormant thunder.

A local law prohibits the settlement of people of colour within the state of Ohio, which was now put in force, although it had remained dormant for many years.

His ample leisure now permitted also the cultivation of certain refined tastes which had been dormant in his busy youth.

La Belle au bois dormant.

Assured in his heart of his sway over the as yet dormant will of his pupil, he suffered the establishment of the Duke of Bourbon's ministry, who was in a greater hurry to grasp the power he had so long coveted.

It was delivered over to her charge naked, with its attributes and faculties as latent and dormant as those of the wild rose or dahlia.

It may be unobserved, or dormant even, but it is not destroyed.

In her case there was a simultaneous awakening of two dormant facultiesthe sense of smell and the sense of taste.

260 examples of  dormant  in sentences