322 examples of dormitories in sentences

The subject had been discussed for hours in most of the dormitories on the previous evening, and when Dr. Denson ascended his throne there was no necessity for him to strike the small hand-bellthe usual signal for silence; an expectant hush pervaded the whole of the big room, showing clearly the interest which every one felt in the business on hand.

In addition were three gray stone buildings, connected with bridges, in which were the dormitories, the teachers' rooms, the dining room, the infirmary, and the kitchens.

"That's luck," said Sam "We won't have to wake up anybody else" It was against the rules to be prowling around the dormitories so late at night, so the Rovers had to be cautious in their movements.

This classification has been adopted in order that the dormitories shall be occupied by persons of as nearly as possible the same social standing.

Lavatories are installed in the corridors near the dormitories.

Luxurious lifts conducted by the Company's own liveried attendants convey guests to the dormitories.

The Little Sisters of the poor are not accustomed to have such noises in their ears, and there was a tumult and hubbub such as the house had never known, while they hurriedly rose, and the old people stared at each other from their white beds in the long dormitories.

So the National Guards spread through the house, opened the rooms, searched the cupboards and chests, and came at last, without having found anything, to the dormitories, where the Little Sisters' old nurselings were lying.

The girls had finished working in the dormitories and had gone below.

" "I shall write an ap-ol-ogy in Dakota on three papers Christmas morning, and pin them on a side of the three dormitories, but you must not tell, because I do not wish to brag what I shall do," Cordelia said, in strictest confidence.

He had learned from a servant of the Augustines, that a number of ordinary travellers, of whom in the fine season hundreds at a time frequently passed the night in their dormitories, were now breaking their fasts in the refectory of the peasants, and he was willing to avoid the questions that their curiosity might prompt when they came to hear what had occurred lower down on the mountain.

The house had previously been used as a school, and on the opposite side of the courtyard was the gymnasium, with dormitories above.

When we become sophs we'll be able to give up boarding houses and live in the dormitories.

At night a blaze of gas in the outer hall lights all the dormitories and the corridor which runs round outside the jail, thus rendering escape as difficult at night as in broad daylight.

The third Cut is the Monkey House, of substantial iron-work, with dormitories and winter apartments in the rear.

" One day I was at school with my brother,a little, private school, down by what were called the English dormitories in Andover.

The door on the south side leading to the dormitories of the monks may still be traced.

A great proportion of these are feeble and helpless, requiring constant attendance night and day, but attendance that can be given cheaply and efficiently in associate day rooms, dining rooms and large dormitories.

It was after supper; some of the company were melting away to the dormitories, others remained talking.

And the dormitories of our great boarding-schools!

The consequence was, that in these dormitories the boys felt perfectly secure from any interruption.

In each dormitory slept four or five boys, distributed by their order in the school list, so that, in all the dormitories, there were nearly sixty; and of these a goodly number were, on Eric's arrival, collected in the boarders' room, the rest being in their studies, or in the classrooms which some were allowed to use in order to prevent too great a crowd in the room below.

"There's to be an awful lark in the dormitories tonight," said Eric; "the doctor's gone to a dinner-party, and we're going to have no end of fun.

They proceeded, therefore, with several other pilgrims who had entered the city, to a church specially set apart for their reception, connected with which were large dormitories and a religious order whose business was to receive and wait upon them, and to see that all their wants were supplied.

Each placed her protégée at table, and carefully attended to all her wants at the supper, and afterwards dormitories were opened for their repose.

322 examples of  dormitories  in sentences