10 examples of dorrell in sentences

It was better that our family should have missed that legacy, which old Dorrell cheated us of, than that I should have at this moment two thousand pounds in banco, and be without the idea of that specious old rogue.

He was one of the witnesses to the will of John Lamb, the fatherWilliam Dorrell.

Dorrell, William, the Lambs' enemy, 32, 360. DREAM-CHILDREN, 115, 388.

A daring young fellow by the name of 'Jim' Dorrell then took his seat on the end of the log, and it was pushed out into the current, with the expectation that it would be carried downstream against the tree where Seamon and Carman were.

VI Roger de Coverley Not more good man than he; Yet has he equally Push'd for Cocytus, With drivelling Worral, And wicked old Dorrell, 'Gainst whom I've a quarrel, Whose end might affright us!

I find neither Worral nor Dorrell in the Widford archives, but Morrils and Morrells in plenty, and one Horrel.

Lamb alludes to old Dorrell again in the Elia essay "New Year's Eve," where he is accused of swindling the family out of money.

Particulars of his fraud have perished with him, but I have no doubt it is the same William Dorrell who witnessed John Lamb's will in 1761.

Helen A. Murphy & Donald D. Dorrell (A); 2Jun76; R639790.

Helen A. Murphy & Donald D. Dorrell (A); 2Jun76; R639790.

10 examples of  dorrell  in sentences