1511 examples of dragon in sentences

The man of my heart is away and I mourn What home have I, lonely and weeping? Covering the jujubes the dolichos grows, The graves many dragon-plants cover; But where is the man on whose breast I'd repose?

Alderbury is said to be the original village of the "Blue Dragon" of Mrs. Lupin and Mark Tapley, immortalized by Charles Dickens, though some claim Amesbury to be the original of this scene.

But the George and Dragon, even if it shows no timbers on its long front, wears an old-fashioned air of prosperity that belongs to the coaching past.

Knox himself strongly resembling in attitude the dragon weathercock on Bow steeple painted black.

Tests tubes and dragon scales.

Tests tubes and dragon scales.

Round her are to hover cherubim bearing roses, palms, and lilies; the head of the bruised and vanquished dragon is to be under her feet.

I remember but few instances in which he has introduced the dragon-fiend, an omission which Pacheco is willing to forgive; "for," as he observes, "no man ever painted the devil with good-will.

There is also a fine print by Carraglio, in which the Virgin and Child are sustained on the knees of St. Anna: under her feet lies the dragon.

St. Roch and St. Sebastian on each side, and the dead dragon, show that this is a votive subject, an expression of thanksgiving after the cessation of a plague.

Sometimes, as conqueror over sin and representative of the Church militant, he stands with his foot on the dragon with a triumphant air; or, kneeling, he presents to the infant Christ the scales of eternal justice, as in a famous picture by Leonardo da Vinci.

The former was the precursor of the Saviour, the first who proclaimed him to the world as such; the latter beheld the vision in Patmos, of the Woman in travail pursued by the dragon, which is interpreted in reference to the Virgin and her Child.

St. George stands in front victorious, his foot on the head of the dragon.

Lourd comme le dragon, prompt comme la couleuvre, Il couvrait l'océan de ses ailes de feu; La terre s'effrayait quand sur l'horizon bleu Rampait l'allongement hideux de sa fumée, Car c'était une ville et c'était une armée; Ses pavois fourmillaient de mortiers et d'affûts, Et d'un hérissement de bataillons confus; Ses grappins menaçaient; et, pour les abordages,

On voit l'agneau sortir du dragon fabuleux, La vierge de l'opprobre, et Marie aux yeux bleus De la Vénus prostituée; Le blasphème devient le psaume ardent et pur, L'hymne prend, pour s'en faire autant d'ailes d'azur, Tous les haillons de la huée.

Lourd comme le dragon, prompt comme la couleuvre.

My fiery dragon there shall have her broiled for tea!"

Daughter Of Tartaruslove-grinning Woman above, Dragon-tailed underhoney-tongued, Harpy-clawed, Into the glittering meshes of slaughter

What an irruption it was!as if by a tilt of the planet the climate had changed suddenly, and palm-trees, oranges, the sugarcane, the grotesque dragon-tree, and all the woods of rich and curious grain, stood in the temperate and meagre soil.

Dix minutes, c'est à peine s'il sera parti! MONTRICHARD, voyant entrer de Grignon avec le dragon.

Le dragon s'éloigne après avoir remis un papier à Montrichard; la comtesse et

Quel moment? MONTRICHARD, lui montrant le papier que lui a remis le dragon.

#dragon#, m., dragoon.

They sailed homeward over sunny seas, until they came to the shore where the royal lover awaited his bride, impatiently scanning the horizon for the gilded dragon's head of the ship that bore her.

He came back from the dangers of the wild with a reputation that was clinched by his book "The Flora of Lapland," to find the dragon of professional jealousy rampant still at Upsala.

1511 examples of  dragon  in sentences