69 examples of drap in sentences

The children of Galloway play at hide-and-seek with a little black-topped flower which is known by them as the Davie-drap, meantime repeating the following rhyme: "Within the bounds of this I hap My black and bonnie Davie-drap: Wha is he, the cunning ane, To me my Davie-drap will fin'?" This plant, it has been suggested, being the cuckoo grass (Luzula campestris), which so often figures in children's games and rhymes.

The children of Galloway play at hide-and-seek with a little black-topped flower which is known by them as the Davie-drap, meantime repeating the following rhyme: "Within the bounds of this I hap My black and bonnie Davie-drap: Wha is he, the cunning ane, To me my Davie-drap will fin'?" This plant, it has been suggested, being the cuckoo grass (Luzula campestris), which so often figures in children's games and rhymes.

The children of Galloway play at hide-and-seek with a little black-topped flower which is known by them as the Davie-drap, meantime repeating the following rhyme: "Within the bounds of this I hap My black and bonnie Davie-drap: Wha is he, the cunning ane, To me my Davie-drap will fin'?" This plant, it has been suggested, being the cuckoo grass (Luzula campestris), which so often figures in children's games and rhymes.

So, there was ae night that my faither cam' hame frae Edinburgh, and, according to his custom, he had a drap in his e'eyet no sae meikle but that he could see a lad or twa hingin' about the house.

I was like to drap at the impudence o' the creaturhe handed me about as if I had been a bairn at a dancin' school.

Fus', when de grapes 'uz gethered, de knots begun ter straighten out'n Henry's ha'r; en w'en de leaves begin ter fall, Henry's ha'r 'mence' ter drap out; en when de vimes 'uz bar', Henry's head wuz baller 'n it wuz in de spring, en he begin ter git ole en stiff in de j'ints ag'in, en paid no mo' 'tention ter de gals dyoin' er de whole winter.

But in de fall er de year his grapes 'mence' ter straighten out, en his j'ints ter git stiff, en his ha'r drap off, en de rheumatiz begin

When de vimes sta'ted ter wither, Henry 'mence' ter complain er his rheumatiz; en when de leaves begin ter dry up, his ha'r 'mence' ter drap out.

I tells you, er I'll put a spell on you dat 'll make yo' ha'r fall out so you'll be bal', en yo' eyes drap out so you can't see, en yo teef fall out so you can't eat, en yo' years grow up so you can't heah.

He had n' got dis foot mo' d'n half turnt back befo' his strenk gun out enti'ely, en he drap' de roots en fell back on de bed.

ter take it 'way down yander whar Sis' Becky wuz, en drap it right

She dremp' de same dream th'ee nights runnin', en den, de nex' mawnin' atter de las' night, she foun' dis yer little bag de sparrer had drap' in front her do'; en she 'lowed she'd be'n cunju'd, en wuz gwine ter die, en ez long ez her pickaninny wuz

"The ale!" said the minister; "has any body been drinking and refused to pay?" "Na," said Betty, "they winna drink a drap.

Notre homme, pendant assez longtemps, fut fidèle a son voeu; mais un jour qu'il taillait un habit dans un drap de grand prix, sa vertu, mise à une trop forte épreuve, échoua.

DRAP, m., étoffe de laine.

ÉTIQUETTE, f., petit écriteau qu'on met sur les marchandises, etc. ÉTOFFE, f., drap; tissu de laine, de coton, de soie, etc.; matière.

Pour lui, il étoit dans un coin, assis sur un tapis par terre, selon la coutume du pays, vêtu de drap d'or cramoisi, et le coude appuyé sur un carreau d'une autre sorte de drap d'or.

Pour lui, il étoit dans un coin, assis sur un tapis par terre, selon la coutume du pays, vêtu de drap d'or cramoisi, et le coude appuyé sur un carreau d'une autre sorte de drap d'or.

Il portait une robe de drap d'or, verte et peu riche, et il me parut avoir la démarche vive.

Les dames portoient de même de magnifiques voiles, et pour habillement les unes avoient des robes de velours cramoisi, les autres des robes de drap d'or sans fourrures.

Well, one Sunday she did drap in just as my husband and myself was a-sitting down to our tea.

'Tits, John!' said Lizzie, 'ye got on fine excep' when ye let yer wine jeelly drap on the carpet.' 'Oho, so there was wine in 't!

Are ye no gaun to drap a line to yer aunt?' 'No dashed likely!

'May I drap deid in five meenutes,' he declared, 'if ever I was treated like this afore!

'Drap the dish-cover,' croaked Willie, and halted for a minute's rest.

69 examples of  drap  in sentences