626 examples of drawing on in sentences

The Colonel was on his legs in a flash, putting his head through his parki and drawing on his mucklucks.

Politely detached, he discoursed of love and murder, gambling and chicanery, drawing on the seemingly exhaustless background of his own experience for illustration.

The Swedish monarch was too generous to comply with the request; but being afraid of drawing on himself a quarrel with Canute, by protecting the young princes, he sent them to Solomon, King of Hungary, to be educated in his court.

Evening was drawing on, and the long, golden rays of sunshine lay like a benediction over the quiet earth.

" She began drawing on her gloves.

By this time the night was drawing on apace; yet it was not so dark but that one could perceive matters at a very reasonable distance.

One is the master, the other the servant; they take a house in the same street as their intended victim, make friends with him, accomplish one or two creditable but very small business transactions, always drawing on the reserve funds, which might even have amounted to a few hundredsand a bit of credit.

I had been a long ramble over the moors on the north side of Eskdale, and had allowed the sun to set while I was still drawing on the top of Danby Beacon.

Now I am drawing on my small private estate.

"The fear of drawing on his back all the European nations at once had made him politic.

Evening is drawing on, but not dark yet at that season of the year.

As she was drawing on her gloves, a ring was heard, and the maid came in to tell her mistress that Monsieur Delbèque was waiting to see her.

The doctor made a careful drawing on a pad that was passed to him.

And I knew that this was so, firstly, because of the two dreams, and secondly, because, when Clark was gone, and I was drawing on my gloves to go to see my fiancée, I heard distinctly the old two Voices talk within me: and One said: 'Go not to see her now!' and the Other: 'Yes, go, go!'

Night was drawing on; my destruction appeared certain, but did not disturb me very much: the idea of death had lost its novelty, and become quite familiar.

In time of war it can be justified, even as an individual can be justified for drawing on his capital in order to pay for an operation that will save his life.

The night drawing on apace, I ascended up a tree, and slept very comfortably, though it was the first time I had lain out of my habitation.

And when the weary heart and failing head begin to warn him that the evening of life is drawing on, he turns as fondly as does the infant to the mother's arms, to sink in sleep in the bosom of the scene of his childhood.

" While Tom was speaking he was drawing on a pair of gloves and fixing the strings at the wrist.

In doing so I follow Taylor's argument very closely, drawing on his unpublished Ms., not only for ideas, but in some instances for the words in which they are clothed.

"Why?" queried the Englishman, drawing on his pipe.

Evening was drawing on.

Their breakfast was eaten in a hurry; and, after drawing on their India-rubber coatsfor Frank said it would rain before they returnedthey slung on their fish-baskets, and took their trout-poles in their hands, and started out.

Extra charges were put in each barrel; and, while they were drawing on their rubber coats, Archie said, "We had better leave my dogs at home, hadn't we?

" The evening was drawing on apace when Oriana, accompanied by Arthur and Harold, set forth on the last of the many excursions they had enjoyed on James River; but they had purposely selected a late hour, that on their return they might realize the tranquil pleasures of a sail by moonlight.

626 examples of  drawing on  in sentences