53 examples of drawne in sentences

Which makes it doubtfull whether love to him Or Neroes hatred hath drawne more unto us.

And there protest, with bloody weapons drawne, It was her heart.

I am not one that haunts on hills or Rocks, I am no shepheard wayting on my flocks, I am no boystrous Satyre, no nor Faune, That am with pleasure of thy beautie drawne: Thou dost not know, God wot, thou dost not know The wight whose presence thou disdainest so.

This worke, not the meanest of his labours, has much adorned not only one but many Stages, with such a generall applause as it hath drawne even the Rigid Stoickes of the Time, who, though not for pleasure yet for profit have gathered something out of his plentifull Vineyard.

Starr'd all with lights; Which with my drawne sword rifling, in a roome Hung full of Pictures, drawne so full of sweetnesse They struck a reverence in me, found I a woman, A Lady all in white; the very Candles Took brightnesse from her eyes and those cleare Pearles Which in aboundance falling on her cheekes Gave them a lovely bravery.

Starr'd all with lights; Which with my drawne sword rifling, in a roome Hung full of Pictures, drawne so full of sweetnesse They struck a reverence in me, found I a woman, A Lady all in white; the very Candles Took brightnesse from her eyes and those cleare Pearles Which in aboundance falling on her cheekes Gave them a lovely bravery.

All the great curious Cataphlasmes, Or the live taile of a deplum[e]d Henne, Or your hot Pigeons or your quartered whelpes; For they by a meere forc'd attractive power Retaine that safely which by force was drawne, Whereas the other things I nam'd before Do lose their vertue as they lose their heat.

Not yet, till your Commission be faire drawne; Not yet, till on your brow you beare the Print Of a rich golden seale.

"Againe great dole on either partie grewe, That him to death unfaithfull Paris sent; 530 And also him that false Ulysses slewe, Drawne into danger through close ambushment; Therefore from him Laërtes sonne his vewe Doth turn aside, and boasts his good event In working of Strymonian Rhaesus fall, 535 And efte* in Dolons slye surprÿsall.

shall I say, I've met a lover so drawne in your Play, So passionately written, so inflamed, So jealously inraged, then gently tam'd, That I in reading have the Person seene.

I looke to-morrow to be drawne before 'em; And doe you thinck, I, that have satt a Judge And drawne the thred of life to what length I pleasd, Will now appeare a Prisoner in the same place?

I looke to-morrow to be drawne before 'em; And doe you thinck, I, that have satt a Judge And drawne the thred of life to what length I pleasd, Will now appeare a Prisoner in the same place?

Is it drawne? Vand.

He moves upon some skrues and may be kinsman To the engine that is drawne about with Cakebread, But that his outside's brighter.

Methought a king Of Blackamores was in love with me, and haveing By flattering Courtship drawne me to his bed chamber, With my consent or force swore to enjoy mee.

There are some a late are drawne like beares to the stake; but for your owne part the gout and the grand pox are all one to you.

And in a chariot wrought out of a cloud, Studded with starres, drawne through the subtle aire By birds of paradise, wee'll ride together To fruitfull Thessalie, where in fair Tempe (The only pleasant place of all the earth) Wee'll sport us under a pavilion Of Tyrian scarlet.

Lovers, imbrace your loves And, Captaines, joyne your bands; mix power with power And let those swords, which late were drawne for death, Sleepe in their sheaths.

In Lydgate's London Lyckpenny, are the following lines alluding to this custom: Then to Chepe I began me drawne, When much people I saw for to stand; One offered me velvet, silk and lawne And another he taketh me by the hand.

They go naked, onely that about their midles they weare a cloth made of the barke of a tree, drawne in small threedes: they make and use very fine Mats to sitte vppon:

Are they drawne? Bri.

What, drawne my friends!

Day in no wise sought to hide his indebtedness, but on the contrary acknowledged in the Induction that his argument is but 'a little string or Rivolet, drawne from the full streine of the right worthy Gentleman, Sir Phillip Sydneys well knowne Archadea.'

A, B and G] drawne ten teeth.

Enter Arbaces with his Sword drawne.

53 examples of  drawne  in sentences