114 examples of dreariness in sentences

She was moody and longed for something that would banish the dreariness.

People crack peanuts at the CIRCUS, because the cracking of peanuts in its prosaic dreariness is in harmony with the cracking of jokes by the dreary clown.

In all the German political treatises there is an immeasurable dreariness.

They seemed to redeem the bare school-room from utter dreariness, and Pearl found herself repeating the phrase in the doctor's letter, "Like a rose in a dark room.

She brought an element of hope and youth, a new spirit of adventure into the drab room, with its sodden, commonplace dreariness.

The prison was becoming a less startling image of desolate dreariness to him.

The aspect of the mountain-country to the east and north-east would explain the savage dreariness of his lamentations.

As yet she was too young to see all the dreariness of the desolation around her; but she was indeed an orphan in the most cruel meaning of the word.

The monotony of unbroken forest-scenery is partially relieved in the autumn by the mixed variety of tints belonging to the different trees; but this does not wholly subdue the prevailing expression of dreariness and gloom.

Most of the women were away, which was the real godsend, for the dreariness and desolation of pleasure would be eliminated.

We do not complain of this change after the dreariness of the Kara-Koum and the solitude of Gobi.

My thoughts were gloomy and disconsolate; the dreariness of the day, and the solitude which surrounded me, seemed to communicate a sadness to my soul.

I give you no account of scenery on the road for two reasons: first, because there are no striking features to relieve the alternations of rude cultivation and ruder forest; and secondly, because in winter, Nature being despoiled of the life-giving lines of herbage and foliage, a sketch of dreariness would be all that truth could permit.

How different is this same Norfolk from the other eastern ports I have visited!there all is bustle, activity, and increase,here all is dreariness, desolation, and stagnation.

Dreariness filled the weeks with dismal, sunless skies and a clinging moisture that knew no wholesome tonic of keen frosts.

Nakedness and dreariness were the two words which best described the island; the only interruption to its solitude and desolation being occasioned by the birds, which now came screaming and flying above the heads of the intruders, showing both by their boldness and their cries, that they were totally unacquainted with men.

As the hours of the day had gone by it had been this dreariness that had deepened on him, after the violent emotions of the morning.

Nor did they like the darkness and dampness and dirt and dreariness of the place.

It is only those who have been to the front in France who can realize the life of the men there as it went on month after monththe misery of it, the dreariness of it, the lack of any thrill except that of fear.

But he must know in his heart that the joy of arrival will outweigh all the dreariness of the road, and he must, above all things, mean to arrive.

"Wormwood and gall" were her portion, and, while she fulfilled the outward duties of religion, dreariness and settled despondency took possession of her mind.

A shade of horror, of fateful dreariness, hangs over the hero's death, and except in Macbeth or Othello we know not where to match it.

My spirits infallibly rise in proportion to the outward dreariness.

It was, in truth, An ordinary sight; but I should need Colours and words that are unknown to man, 255 To paint the visionary dreariness Which, while I looked all round for my lost guide, Invested moorland waste, and naked pool, The beacon crowning the lone eminence, The female and her garments vexed and tossed 260 By the strong wind.

In the very centre of the place he sat down suddenly on his haunches, pointed his nose aloft, and wailed with tremendous dreariness.

114 examples of  dreariness  in sentences