33 examples of dressy in sentences

"I'll knit lace for them, and they'll look real dressy; toilet soap, sponge and nailbrushthat's for your bath, George; you haven't been taking them as often as you should, or the hoops wouldn't have come off your tub.

She had a certain daintiness about her, too, in her way of dressingeven in the way she did her hairand in her walk, which made the women say with certain resentment, that Mrs. Paine would like to be "dressy.

"I bought me a pair, hand sewn, with French tipsvery dressy.

He seized the opportunity to ask Ajax why we wore no jewellery, and upon my brother replying that we considered diamonds out of place upon a cattle ranch, he roundly asserted that in his opinion a "gen'leman couldn't be too dressy.

It was mos' too dressy fer a lady to wear, let alone a critter like me who'd allus slep' in his pants an' day shirt.

His horsey-pattern Crimean shirt of colours bright and gay, And the stockmen of Australia, what dressy boys are they.

" "You're getting quite dressy," said his wife, with a laugh.

Mrs. Plimmer said once that I got more and more dressy every time she saw me, and my missis 'ad said the same thing only in a different way.

But the English shirt-maker proceeds upon different lines; he always seems afraid of wasting a few inches of longcloth, and thus if the ordinary ready-made shirt on sale at shops of the average class is dressy-looking enough, it is also often supremely uncomfortable to those who like their ease.

The most dressy sailorman I ever knew, he continued, as he stood the broom up in a corner and seated himself on a keg, was a young feller named Rupert Brown.

But he wore the silk shirt and the string tie, and somehow he made even the overalls seem "dressy." "Pray sit down," she said politely.

For though the Koli is the most naked of men, his whole workaday costume consisting of one rag about equal in amplitude to half a good pocket-handkerchief, his wife is the most dressy of women.

Superfine dressy teachers, will be too proud, and too high, to attend to these thingsbut the judicious mother or matron will at once see their importance and act accordingly"as the twig is bent the tree's inclined."

Mr. Scott, who has been so friendly to us, told us not to mind her; that her mother had been an ignorant servant girl, who had married a man with a little money; that she was still ignorant, loud and [dressy?] and liked to put on airs.

It's dressy, and at the same time it's quiet, too."

"My, aren't you dressy!" He was undeniably dressynot that only, but radiant with the self-confidence born of good looks, of well-fitting evening clothes, of a fresh shave, of glistening nails.

You can wear 'em with anything, and yet they're dressy too.

If you'll look closely at the workers about town you'll see the same suitsright dressy, you'll notice.

And yet it is a fact worthy of notice, that those who most eloquently assert their great superiority over the entire sex, are the very men most easily leday, and dupedby dressy, frivolous, brainless women.

It is lucky for her that he and the boys have sense enough to put on their own clothes, or such a very dressy family would keep her busy looking after their toilets.

There was a predominance of exquisitely ironed white "shirtwaists" among the costumes of the women, but as these were helped out by much elaborate and dressy neckwear of lace and ribbon the general effect was unquestionably festive.

"But you Army men always was a bit dressy.

I didn't like it, but Josiah remarked that he'd always said: "A vest and coat cut low neck would make a man look dressy, and he believed he should have one made for best.

Your hats ain't dressy enough; why the old mair hain't quite twenty-one, hain't old enough to vote even if her sect had the privelige.

The trim, dressy, animated air of the Tuileries suits admirably with the mobile, sprightly vivacity of society there.

33 examples of  dressy  in sentences