266 examples of drew his sword in sentences

Then Beltane smiled and drew his sword and came to them, the great blade gleaming in his hand.

So saying Sir Fidelis stepped back a pace and drew his sword.

" "No," said Ferdinand, "I will resist such entertainment, till I see a more powerful enemy," and drew his sword; but Prospero, waving his magic wand, fixed him to the spot where he stood, so that he had no power to move.

Orlando, whom hunger had made desperate, drew his sword, intending to take their meat by force, and said, "Forbear, and eat no more; I must have your food!"

Then swift he drew his sword, and closed in strife With that huge monster.

In the struggle, however, the kamunds gave way, and then Púladwund drew his sword, and by several strokes wounded them all.

The prince drew his sword with the intention of attacking him, but seeing him furious with rage, and being doubtful of the issue, thought it more prudent and safe to try his success with the noose.

One of them drew his sword in order to despatch him; when the king exclaimed, HOLD, KNAVE!

The Tartar drew his sword, boldly advancing upon Orlando; and a cut and thrust fight began, so long and so terrible, each warrior being a miracle of prowess, that the story says it lasted from noon till night.

Then Sir Gawain drew his sword and cried very fiercely: "Come down and fight me, Sir Knight!

The infuriated animal inflicted a severe wound on his knee, upon which he drew his sword and defended himself with great coolness.

Chaudey was led before them, Raoul Rigault drew his sword to give the signal, the muskets were levelled and fired, and Chaudey fell, but wounded only.

He immediately proceeds, attended by a few, to the lodging of Metellus; and finding there the council of youths of which he had been apprized, he drew his sword over the heads of them, deliberating, and said, "With sincerity of soul I swear that neither will I myself desert the cause of the Roman republic, nor will I suffer any other citizen of Rome to desert it.

Thinking thus, and imprinting on his mind as much as the time would permit, every circumstance of the locality around him which promised advantage in the combat, and taking his station in the middle of the courtyard where the ground was entirely clear, he flung his cloak from him, and drew his sword.

Stung by the insult, the man drew his sword, wounded the woman, and would have killed her, if he and his companions had not been disarmed.

Eros drew his sword, but thrust it into his own side, and fell dead at the feet of Antony.

910 Inured to hardships from his early youth, Much had he done, and suffer'd for his truth: At land and sea, in many a doubtful fight, Was never known a more adventurous knight, Who oftener drew his sword, and always for the right.

To extricate himself from the stirrups and fallen steed, was to the Templar scarce the work of a moment; and stung with madness, he drew his sword, and waved it in defiance of his conqueror.

He drew his sword, and, raising the candle so as to throw its light with increased distinctness upon the objects in the room, he entered the chamber into which the shadow had glided.

Chief drew his sword on chief: Religion with her relique and her brand, Made strife between our bosom-bones, and grief And lawless joy abounded in the land; Our glass of glory sank nigh its last sand; Rank with its treason, priesthood with its craft, Turned Scotland's war-lance to a willow-wand.

He could not see what the girl was doing and they had not gone far when she drew his sword and killed him with it.

He drew his sword no more, save only against the enemies of the Christian faith and Christian civilization, the Mussulmans."

The Count of Tancarville, who was in the prince's train, drew his sword, and "spurred his horse upon this rascal;" but the dauphin restrained him, and contented himself with saying smilingly to the man, "You will not be listened to, fair sir."

And she would have moved towards the door, if Lord Roos had not caught hold of her arm, while at the same time he drew his sword.

Then, while Iseult the younger sat beside her patient, watching his slumbers, she idly drew his sword from the scabbard.

266 examples of  drew his sword  in sentences