1699 examples of drilled in sentences

He drilled me, too, in another exercise which he thought most important, that of shooting from horseback with the pistol.

Which of us in the country districts does not remember the blue emergency suits, of which a co-operative society was able by a lucky stroke to provide 400,000 for the new recruits?or the other motley coverings of the hosts that drilled in our fields and marched about our lanes?

"Not mine!" came like a well-drilled chorus.

He barely had it out in his hand when the other gent drilled him.

When the last pair had finished, the judges measured the depths of the holes drilled, and announced the victors.

If you are skilled and well drilled in discipline and sportsmanship, you are bound to benefit in the strife of the world.

You must not expect order until your little officers are well drilled, which may be done by collecting them together after the other children are gone, and instructing them in what they are to do.

But he has been drilled into a false idea of civilization,efficiency, capability.

" "Yes," Dick replied, "we are drilled, not only with heavy ship's guns, but with light field-pieces, of which every large vessel carries a few to be used in case of a landing.

Old rowers looked the freshmen over with astonishment, for they gave the appearance of well-drilled amateurs, and not greenhorns.

It is long since we have drilled ourselves to attribute smiles and whispers, and even squeezes of the hand, to their true source.

The men having been previously drilled for that purpose, go through a variety of fanciful evolutions, forming the Roman and Greek crosses, stars, and figures, so describing a sentence, such as viva la patria, viva San Martin, or the name of any other person who happens to be at the head of the government.

After the campaign opened, there was scarcely a county or village in the North without its organized and drilled association of "Wide Awakes," immensely captivating to the popular eye, and forming everywhere a vigilant corps to spread the fame of, and solicit votes for, the Republican Presidential candidate.

The street rabble of Charleston could any night clamber over the thinly defended walls, and at least a score of companies of minute men, drilled and equipped, could be brought by rail from the interior of the State to garrison and hold it.

From Camp Lewis alone, in November, on that plain where Kincaid's Battery had drilled before it was Kincaid's, the Bienville, Crescent City and many similar "Guards," Miles' Artillery, the Orleans Light Horse, the Orleans Howitzers, the Orleans Guards, the Tirailleurs d'Orléans, etc., had passed in front of Governor Moore and half a dozen generals, twenty-four thousand strong.

She had never dreamed of any other end, and had been so drilled with the idea that this life was but a tedious training-place for a worthier state to come, that she looked forward, naturally enough, with confidence and relief to the great Experiment that should bring her release.

Terror has drilled people of the most opposite sentiments into such an uniformity of manner and expression, that an aristocrat who is ruined and persecuted by the government is not distinguishable from the Jacobin who has made his fortune under it.

They must be drilled, too, in their part.

Confidence, the confidence which must get new vessels for the energy that has overflowed, the confidence of all classes in the realization of the long- promised day of the "place in the sun" for the immense population drilled in the system, was the keynote.

In this view, militarism is seen to consist not in having drilled soldiers and stores of munitions, but in the national state of mind that would use these for aggression, not merely for defense.

Drilled A.M. and P.M. Weather clear.

They drilled a hole about two feet horizontally to blast out this bench.

Miss West had drilled it into her conscience that marriage was holy, and impossible without love.

No further sound from the garden and the silence drilled holes into my nerves.

Number Two is dealt with by issuing a strict time-table, which might possibly be adhered to by a well-drilled flock of archangels, in broad daylight, upon good roads, and under peace conditions.

1699 examples of  drilled  in sentences