381 examples of droned in sentences

"Grasshoppah sett'n on a swee' p'tater vine," The Boy droned sleepily as he untied the leathern thongs that kept up his muckluck legs "Swee' p'tater vine, swee' p'ta" "All those othahs"the Colonel waved a hand in the direction of Pymeut"I think we dreamed 'em, Boy.

"Righto, sir," the soldier droned on.

Drovers know that they must not sneak quietly about restless cattleit is better to sing to them and let them know that someone is stirring and watching; and many a mob of wild, pike-horned Queensland cattle, half inclined to stampede, has listened contentedly to the Wild Colonial Boy droned out in true bush fashion till the daylight began to break and the mob was safe for another day.

"A metallic clang droned through the air, and four strokes were heard from the convent-clock.

A man rapped sharply on a table, and the conversation droned away into silence.

"I don't think so," droned Leith.

"Hello!" said "I." "There is no Town Major at Rataplan," the Adjutant, droned somewhat wearily.

This outburst seemed to have relieved the mountain, for the tremors were now less violent, though the terrible noise still droned in the air, and earth, and sea.

At the door stood a half-grown boy, stamping his feet to keep warm, as he droned out in sing-song fashion: "Walk in, gentlefolk, and have your razors ground; we have all manner of kitchen furniture in cutlery within, also catgut and fiddle strings at most reasonable rates.

Our Cossack attendant, Marca, droned a folk-song about the wonders of the Baikal, which, when interpreted by my liaison officer, fitted the scene to a fraction.

To him they were largely inscrutable; they were cryptic, as enigmatical as life itself, hiding their treasures as they droned through the centuries, giving birth to multitudes of the living, demanding in return other multitudes of the dead.

" "Thirkle's all right," he droned, picking up the sack again.

That was a fierce experience after the novelty of the first night had worn off, when hour after hour the dance music droned on, and hour after hour the dancing feet on the pavement nearly drove me frantic.

I droned steadily away, interrupted only by cries for fresh supplies of wine; as I went on the audience paid less and less attention.

All about the docks was one region of heads stretched far in innumerable vagueness, and down the river to Woolwich a continuous dull roar and murmur of bees droned from both banks to cheer our departure.

Factories droned with machines that seemed to grate against their iron fate.

"We weren't like the rest," droned Barton.

They circled slowly round and round, chanting and stamping their feet, while the anklet rattles clattered and the pipes droned.

That day my pupils had an indulgent teacher; for, while they struggled with their pot-hooks, I was writing immortal works; and when they droned out the multiplication table, I was counting up the noble fortune my pen was to earn for me in the dim, delightful future.

He sank into a half sleep as the iron wheels roared and droned beneath him.

"A German lexicon for special attention to the student of that language," the Rector droned on.

The tune droned in his ears, came to an end, went on again.

This extraordinary feat brought down the house in the wildest enthusiasm, and the uproar of shouting and singing drowned all the instruments except the comb, which still droned away like a Scottish bagpipe in its last agonies!

Not long after Hiawatha appeared, and I shall always believe that in those Sunday musings in the quiet little chapel while the service droned on he was far away.

Hester Bridgeman could not imagine how her Portia could endure to hear the old English Prayer-book droned out.

381 examples of  droned  in sentences