38 examples of drouth in sentences

Then fare-ye-well, these foreign lands, And be damn'd their bitter drouth.

It was a fertile and fruitful land, in which all the arts known to antiquity flourished; but the rains of Ethiopia were to be withheld, and such should be the unusual and abnormal drouth that the Nile should be dried up, and the reeds upon its banks should wither and decay.

A better one The Land of Drouth!

My arms clung round her slender waist, Through gold and silk the form I traced, And glad as rain that follows drouth, I kissed and kissed her bright red mouth.

His mother 'n' father got turrible sick of it; so much sunshine in the house made a continual drouth, so old Mis' Popham used to say.

[Fr.], breathless impatience, overanxiety; impetuosity, &c 825. appetite, appetition^, appetence^, appetency^; sharp appetite, keenness, hunger, stomach, twist; thirst, thirstiness; drouth, mouthwatering; itch, itching; prurience, cacoethes [Lat.], cupidity, lust, concupiscence.

There had been no rain for some weeks, and crops were suffering from drouth, and I remarked to him, who was in an assemblage of a large number of Indians of that district, that the crops needed rain badly, and that if much longer without rain the crops would amount to nothing.

The porter informed me that it contained a charm, belonging to Sultan Ali, which was of great use in producing rain in times of drouth.

He had always drouth in his purse and despair in his mind.

The oleanders in the South Drape gray hills with their rose, she thought, The yellow-tasselled broom through drouth Bathing in half a heaven is caught.

He owned a place but a drouth come along.

Water mains ran through miles of the tropical forest and, no matter how great the drouth, the natives kept the verdure green and fresh with a constancy that no real wage-earner could have exercised.

A long drouth in the summer, which had made the poor harvests poorer still, was followed by that famous winter of 1789that winter of merciless, of unexampled, cold for France.

Didn' have drouth in does days.

Before him news from the North and South, A long account of a foreign drouth, A lot of changes in local ads, The report of a fight between drunken cads, And odds and ends and smoke and talk, A reporter drawing cartoons in chalk On the dirty wall, while others laughed, And one wretch whistled, and all of them chaffed.

Paul Engle (A); 3Sep68; R442903. Letters after drouth.

The Missouri Valley: land of drouth, flood, and promise.

Paul Engle (A); 3Sep68; R442903. Letters after drouth.

The Missouri Valley: land of drouth, flood, and promise.

Such a Drouth was never known here [in the upper Carolinas] before; Corn sells from the stack at 4 & 5/ p. Bushel, Wheat 6 & 8/, Rye the same, Oats 3/ 6 &c &c ...

They are as ignorant of drouth, murrain, pestilence locusts, and blight, as they are of the true meaning of want and fear.

Head-board and foot-board duly placed Grassed in the mound between; Daniel Drouth is the slumberer's name Long may his grave be green!

We've had a bad year, with the drouth and the blight The harvest was short, and the apple crop light; The early hay cutting scarce balanced the cost, And the heft o' the after-math's ruined with frost; A gloomy Thanksgiving to-morrow will be

So to the year's first altar step I bring Gifts of meek song, and make my spirit free With the blind working of unanxious spring, Careless with her, whether the days that flee Pale drouth or golden-fruited plenty see, So that we toil, brothers, without distress,

From near-horizoned, little lands they come, From barren country-side and deathly slum, From bleakest wastes, from lands of aching drouth, From grape-hung valleys of the smiling South, From chains and prisons, ay, from horrid fear, (Mark you the furtive eye, the listening ear!)

38 examples of  drouth  in sentences