127 examples of drowsily in sentences

As the day advanced the sun grew ever hotter; birds chirped drowsily from hedge and thicket, and the warm, still air was full of the slumberous drone of a myriad unseen wings.

Now as Beltane breathed the cool, sweet air of evening and looked about him drowsily, he suddenly espied a shadow within the shadows, a dim figureyet formidable and full of menace, and he started up, weapon in fist, whereupon the threatening figure stirred and spake: "Master'tis I!" said a voice.

The rising sun, darting an inquisitive beam 'twixt a leafy opening, fell upon Beltane's wide, slow-heaving breast; crept upwards to his chin, his cheek, and finally strove to peep beneath his slumberous, close-shut lids; whereat Beltane stirred, yawned, threw wide and stretched his mighty arms, and thereafter, blinking drowsily, sat up, his golden hair be-tousled, and stared sleepily about him.

This was George Lister's business, and he lounged in a corner of a smoking-compartment, and rather drowsily studied some calculations.

For a minute or even more, the single log that was still burning in the fireplace hissed drowsily, and I could hear the vines tapping gently on the windows.

"I love my motherand my dear daddy," she murmured drowsily.

Steve was noticed drowsily nodding his head in a suggestive way; and then after a sudden start he would look around aggressively, as if to remark: "who said I was sleepy?"

Somewhere a winch rattled drowsily and weary tackle whined; more near at hand, funnels were snoring and pumps chugging with a constant, monotonous noise of splashing.

The station master yawned drowsily.

But it was not this that had roused him, he thought as he lay blinking drowsily,nor the black-bird piping so wonderfully in the apple-tree outside,a very inquisitive apple-tree that had writhed, and contorted itself most un-naturally in its efforts to peep in at the window;therefore Bellew fell to wondering, sleepily enough, what it could have been.

the which he did, forthwith, slumberous of voice, and sleepy eyed, and so, with his hand in Anthea's, went drowsily up to bed.

It was not a fire at all, but a young girl, all bright and golden, sitting with her head drowsily bent forward on her knees and her arms wrapped close about her legs.

And why should they be brought low? Doors shut in the streethow I saw thema long, long street, silent, full of sunshine, and the doors shut, and no sound anywhere but the low sound of the grinding: and the mill with the wheels drowsily turning and no one there at all save one boy with fluttering heart, tiptoeing in the sunlit doorway.

It was a wolf, and drowsily he wondered how he could hear the cry through the thick log walls of his prison.

,' said the Hurricane, 'rememberest when we wrecked the nations and drave the herds of the sea into new pasturage?' 'Yes,' said the Earthquake, drowsily; 'Yes, yes.'

The motor fell to a drowsily contented murmur that blended with the cool swishing of the tires on wet gravel.

," said Susanna, drowsily: "dont touch me.

The road was creeping drowsily now between high grass-banks, out through the hills.

The sleepy, sunny little market-town was shut in by the bronzed autumn meadows, that sent their long groping fingers of grass or parti-colored weeds drowsily up into the very streets: there were ranges of hills and heavy stretches of oak and beech woods, too, through which crept glittering creeks full of trout.

So I was stealing away toward the door, when he opened his eyes and murmured, drowsily: "De tex', oh yes, seh.

The children stop first, and look at him, fascinated; then they laugh, drowsily, and creep closer,JAN always near.

George drowsily.

" "Ver' well," he replied drowsily.

"Strange blankets, eh?" queried Waring drowsily.

Where are we, Ormond?" "I don't know," I murmured, drowsily.

127 examples of  drowsily  in sentences