606 examples of drunkards in sentences

Detroit drunkards, says an exchange, use a stocking with a stone in it to avoid arrestjust as if a hat "with a brick in it" were not enough!

The Tsar of Russia was an insignificant man, all the Grand Dukes were persons without dignity and without credit, and the Court and Government abounded with men without scruplesviolent, thieves, and drunkards.

The passage about the howling of the wolves, and the fever faint of the victim, is as graphic as anything in Burns The skies spun like a mighty wheel, I saw the trees like drunkards reel.

They are not crazy, they are not drunkards; they simply seem to be possessed with a spirit of wickedness.

It is not denied, that there will be in every place a licensed shop, where drunkards may riot in security; and what can be more inviting to wretches who place in drunkenness their utmost felicity

It will not surely be confessed, that the government has wanted authority to execute its own laws; that the legislature has been awed by the populace, by the dregs of the populace, the drunkards and the beggars!

And they say the head lady of themprioress, or abbess, as they called herwithstood him, and cursed him, in the name of the Lord, for a hypocrite who robbed harmless women under the cloak of punishing them for sins they'd never committed (for they say, sir, he went up to court, and slandered the nuns there for drunkards and worse).

John Wedgewood was placed in the stocks for being in the company of drunkards.

But," he added, "I can tell you this,we have no drunkards on our streets.

"Meantime," said she, "two very respectable girls, who are not actresses, will be exhibited before the critical eyes of millions of stupid workmen, reformed drunkards, sad-faced women and wiggling childrennot in dignified attitudes, mind you, but scurrying from what they supposed was an imminent danger.

They are never drunkards or wife-beaters; they don't drag their business to the dinner-table and bed; they are not given to profane speech; and they show greater interest in a sonnet than in the price of pork.

You start out after him now, and you wouldn't last as long as a short drink in a roomful of drunkards.

Mothers sometimes make children drunkards.

Away, you drunkards!

Men who are very active and perform herculean labors, do not generally belong to the class of gluttons or drunkards.

As we become permanent drunkards by so many drinks, so we become saints in the moral, and authorities and experts in the practical and scientific, spheres, by so many separate acts and hours of work.

And the combined posse go staggering up and down shameless as drunkards in the day time.

The rumor ran that one of the prisoners, an athletic Italian mariner had profited by the attention of all the other guardians of the place being occupied by the ceremonies, to knock down the solitary sentinel, and to effect his escape, followed by all the drunkards who were able to run.

" "In drunkards?"

Joe found intemperance among women; he found little children running to the saloon for cans of beer; he found plenty of men drunkards.

It was perhaps somewhat improper, but in that article I summed up the situation by stating that "the temperance question in Cuba is only a question of how soon we succeed in converting them into a nation of drunkards."

He was bringing two enormous glasses filled with a ruddy and foamy cocktail,an intoxicating and sweet mixture, a composite of all the knowledge acquired by the chef in his intercourse with the drunkards of the principal ports of the world.

The god granted the prayers of his priest, for suddenly the Calydonians began to lose their senses, like drunkards, and to die in fits of madness.

"Wherefore," he ingenuously says, "when they shall chance to meet with a covey of young partridges, they were much better to bestow them upon such, for whom they are convenient!" Salmon, turbot, and sturgeon he also reckoned hard of digestion, and injurious, if taken to excess; nor does he approve of herrings and sprats; and anchovies he characterises as the meat of drunkards.

For the rest the ordinary police-constable was always able to deal with the sharpers, drunkards, and petty thieves who are among the camp-followers of every army of gold-seekers.

606 examples of  drunkards  in sentences