52 examples of duffus in sentences

" Mr. Collier is told by Mr. Duffus Hardy that "he has no one to blame but himself" for "the tone which has been adopted by those who differ from him upon this matter," because he, (Mr. Collier,) by his answer in the "Times" to Mr. Hamilton, made it "a personal, rather than a literary question."

Whereupon Mr. Duffus Hardy, Assistant Keeper of the Public Records, produces this as one of "the most striking" of Mr. Collier's inaccuracies in regard to this letter, and says that it "certainly betrays no little ignorance, as 10l.

Under ordinary circumstances, when palaeographers like Sir Frederic Madden, Sir Francis Palgrave, and Mr. Duffus Hardy, tell us that a manuscript, professing to be ancient and original, is a modern fabrication, we submit at once.

Sir Frederic Madden, Mr. Duffus Hardy, Mr. Hamilton, Dr. Ingleby, accomplished palaeographers, keen-eyed, remorseless investigators, learned doctors though you be, you cannot make men who have common sense believe this.

SEE James, Will. DUFFUS, ROBERT L. Mastering a metropolis.

Robert L. Duffus (A); 7Mar57; R187882. Tomorrow never comes.

Robert L. Duffus (A); 27Dec56; R183514. DUGANNE, PHYLLIS. Lost on the rue de la something.

SEE James, Will. DUFFUS, ROBERT L. The Santa Fe Trail.

Robert L. Duffus (A); 20Jan58; R206950. DUGANNE, PHYLLIS. Beautiful and dumb.

DUFFUS, R. L. Jornada.

R. L. Duffus (A); 18Feb63; R310632. DUGAN, G. R. Use me today.

Regents of the University of California (PWH); 26Mar64; R335384. DUFFUS, R. L. The sky but not the heart.

R. L. Duffus (A); 29Jun64; R340163.

SEE Grant, Phil S. DUFFUS, ROBERT L. Night between the rivers.

Robert L. Duffus (A); 1Jun65; R362329.

Louise Dudley & Austin Faricy (A); 22Apr68; R433753. DUFFUS, R. L. L. Emmett Holt, pioneer of a children's century, by R. L. Duffus & L. Emmett Holt,

Louise Dudley & Austin Faricy (A); 22Apr68; R433753. DUFFUS, R. L. L. Emmett Holt, pioneer of a children's century, by R. L. Duffus & L. Emmett Holt,

SEE Duffus, R. L. HOLT, RINEHART AND WINSTON, INC. Activity notebook.

DUFFUS, R. L. The innocents at Cedre; a memoir of Thorstein Veblen and some others.

With the advice & consent of William M. Duffus.

R. L. Duffus (A); 20Aug71; R510754. <pb id='336.png' />

R. L. Duffus (A) & Alfred A. Knopf, Inc. (PWH of Graphics Dept. of the TVA, Charles Krutch, chief); 3Dec71; R517809.

DUFFUS, WILLIAM M. The innocents at Cedro.


HARDY, SIR THOMAS DUFFUS, an eminent palæographer, born in Jamaica; he acquired his skill in MS.

52 examples of  duffus  in sentences