137 examples of dulces in sentences

Ideoque merito æstimantur omnes vniuerso orbe aquæ dulces originem capere, à supradicto paradisi fonte, quamuis secundum distantiam maiorem vel minorem, et secundum naturas rerum per quas meant diuersos habere inueniuntur sapores, atque virtutes.

quæ sita est iuxta fluuium deliciarum, multa corpora mortua vidi, et in illa valle audiui sonos musicos dulces et diuersos, et maximè de cytharis, vndè multum timui.

So sweet is the delight of study, the more learning they have (as he that hath a dropsy, the more he drinks the thirstier he is) the more they covet to learn, and the last day is prioris discipulus; harsh at first learning is, radices amarcae, but fractus dulces, according to that of Isocrates, pleasant at last; the longer they live, the more they are enamoured with the Muses.

Nec dulces amores sperne puer, neque tu choreas; these men are too distrustful and much to blame, to use such speeches, Parcite paucorum diffundere, crimen in omnes.

Some trouble there is in marriage I deny not, Etsi grave sit matrimonium, saith Erasmus, edulcatur tamen multis, &c., yet there be many things to sweeten it, a pleasant wife, placens uxor, pretty children, dulces nati, deliciae filiorum hominum, the chief delight of the sons of men;

Crethida fabellas dulces garrire peritam Prosequitur lacrymis filia moesta Sami: Blandam lanifici sociam sine fine loquacem, Quam tenet hic, cunctas quae manet, alta quies.

The end of the poem bidsthough more reluctantlyfarewell to the muses also: Ite hinc Camenae; vos quoque ite jam sane dulces Camenae (nam fatebimur verum, dulces fuistis): et tamen meas chartas revisitote, sed pudenter et raro.

The end of the poem bidsthough more reluctantlyfarewell to the muses also: Ite hinc Camenae; vos quoque ite jam sane dulces Camenae (nam fatebimur verum, dulces fuistis): et tamen meas chartas revisitote, sed pudenter et raro.

[Footnote 5: Me vero primum dulces ante omnia Musae, Quarum sacra fero ingenti percussus-amore, Accipiant, caelique vias et sidera monstrent Sin, has ne possim naturae accedere partes, Frigidus obstiterit circum praecordia sanguis, Rura mihi et rigui placeant in vallibus amnes.

Hay un hombre viejo que vende dulces.

Le dejamos comprar algunos dulces.

Dió un centavo al viejo y él le dió algunos dulces.

La muñeca quiere dulces también.

No puedes comprar dulces, querida mía.

Iba a comprar dulces con un botón. ¿

Creo que el viejo le habría dado algunos dulces.

Lucía iba a la dulcería a comprar dulces.

Yo puedo comprar muchos dulces con diez centavos,dijo ella.

Me gustaría que Marianita pudiese comer algunos dulces.

Los brotes están dulces,dijo Pablo.

"Quocunque pergis, virgines Sequuntur atque laudibus Post te canentes cursitant Hymnosque dulces personant[A].

Intacti maneant, maneant per sæcula dulces COWLEII cineres, serventque immobile saxum.

A large bunch of artificial flowers was at each plate, and the table was loaded with yellowed chickens sitting proudly in scarlet gravy, tongues covered with walnut sauce, grilled meats, tamales, mounds of tortillas, and dulces.

They will have eaten all the dulces.

That will cure rebellion: no chickens, no dulces, no aguardiente" Alvarado brought his staff of office down sharply upon a board he had provided for the purpose.

137 examples of  dulces  in sentences