6070 examples of dullest in sentences

Even the dullest among us understood that we three might be absent from the settlement many days, and yet our preparations for the dangerous journey were most simple.

Day after day passed, and the thermometer sank to a lower point, and the winds rose to a higher, and sleighing became uncomfortable; and even the dullest man longs for the cheer of a newspaper.

'Tis nature's law That none, the meanest of created things, Of forms created the most vile and brute, 75 The dullest or most noxious, should exist Divorced from gooda spirit and pulse of good, A life and soul, to every mode of being Inseparably linked.

Feet are given to these according to the degree of their stupidity, to multiply approximations to the earth; and the dullest become reptiles who drag the whole length of their bodies on the ground.

With feverish thirst and longing, he was drinking in the beauty of the Fairy Queen; and had not Simon Perkins been the dullest of observers, and the least conceited of painters, he must have felt intensely flattered by the effect of his work.

Indeed, the improbabilitycombined, of course, with possibilityreally adds to the achievement, for the dullest mind can perceive the obviousas, for instance, the importance of a finger-print.

But no one, not the dullest, not the weakest, not the laziest and lustfullest, not the most indifferent to ideas or the most tolerant of platitudes and paradoxes, can pass him by without being arrested, quickened, stung, purged, stirred to uneasy self-examination by so strange a personality expressed in prophecies of art so pungent.

"One advantage," says Mr. Southey, "this metre assuredly possesses; the dullest reader cannot distort it into discord: he may read it with a prose mouth, but its flow and fall will still be perceptible."

With the finest themes in the world for that sort of writing, they are the dullest, tamest, and most tedious things ever poor critic was condemned, or other people vainly invited, to read.

I am once more in the dullest of dull country towns, over which strides the gouty old dean, like a Gothic arch across a cathedral city; and see how the wealthy innkeeper dangles his broad medal (sign of his having been in the yeomanry) that swings to the wind like the banner of his troophow contemptuously he eyes that solid looking overseer, the workhouse, with his right and lefthand men the executioners of the lawStocks and Cageoh!

And if the genius of man has been able to tame the strongest of animals, such as elephants,the fiercest, such as lions,the swiftest, such as horses, and the dullest, such as the ass,why should we despair of reducing to order this chaotic mass of labor, and of turning that which at present constitutes a danger that threatens the very existence of society into a source of safety, of wealth and power?

A visit to this great and marvelous handiwork of God is an event in the dullest life.

President Garfield illustrated this point of view in an often-quoted passage of his speech to the Republican Convention of 1880: 'I have seen the sea lashed into fury and tossed into spray, and its grandeur moves the soul of the dullest man.

You've often said that smoking-room stories are the dullest in the world.

There were times when Oldfield could even arouse enthusiasm amid the dullest and most unappealing surroundings.

At his very dullest scene he started into the utmost brilliancy and effectiveness.

White bimbo; or, Through dullest Africa with three sleepy people.

White bimbo; or, Through dullest Africa with three sleepy people.

Isabella, in a letter to her mother, wrote: "But for the happiness I have of seeing the King every day I should find this court the dullest in the world.

I have seen some of the dullest men alive aiming at wit, and others, with as little pretensions, affecting politeness in manners and discourse: But never being able to persuade the world of their guilt, they grew into considerable stations, upon the firm assurance which all people had of their discretion, because they were of a size too low to deceive the world to their own disadvantage.

"Bright," as the Americans say, she always managed to be even in the dullest company, and she knew how to be silent at times, to give the "other fellow" a chance.

I afterward found much of this girl's purely physical fascination lay in this strange blending of English fairness with Andalusian tints, though the abiding quality of her charm was surely in an exaltation of spirit of which she might make the dullest conscious.

It is the dullest place.

That the Bible gives any ground for the general fancy that at death an animal ceases to exist, is but the merest dullest assumption.

The boys must get off his hands as soon as possible, he says, and Terry, being cleverest, must do so soonest; but the boy has seen the dullest side of soldiering, and hates it.

6070 examples of  dullest  in sentences