10 examples of duls in sentences

My faire Bellina shines like to an Angel; Has such a brightnesse in her Christall eyes That even the radiancy duls my sight.

Oh, my dul soule, looke up; thou art somewhat lighter.

And borrowing duls the edge of Husbandry.

He had not been ma-ny mi-nutes in-dul-ging in his grief, when he felt him-self gent-ly lift-ed from the ground by a gi-gan-tic hand, which pass-ed him high a-bove the threat-en-ing wa-ters, and pla-ced him in safe-ty on the op-po-site bank.

Self-in-dul-gent people are al-ways un-grate-ful; and so the o-gress pro-ved, for she was con-ti-nu-al-ly de-si-ring more and more at the hands of poor Wil-lie, un-til he had no rest: and, one day, when she had been more im-po-sing than u-su-al, he turn-ed round, and told her that she left him hard-ly time to sleep, and that her ap-pe-tite was fright-ful.

Why how now wench? Dul.

Art thou drunk Dula? Dul.

Dul. I'le hold your Cards against any two I know.

What wilt thou do? Dul.

Dul. You'l find her in the dark.

10 examples of  duls  in sentences