Do we say duly or dully

duly 1667 occurrences

It was duly preserved in the G family, but remained unnoticed.

For this we are duly grateful.

Without it, the circulation of the blood cannot be properly carried on, nor the different secretions duly performed; neither can the fluids be properly prepared, nor the solids rendered firm or strong.

We shall, therefore, only add, that when exercise is neglected, none of the animal functions can be duly performed; and when this is the case, the whole constitution must go to wreck.

Nothing has given me greater pain than to witness the thorough neglect of play-ground attendance on the part of teachers and the public; the former leave the children to themselves at the very time their attendance is most desirable; and when, if duly watched, the children will give them lessons.

My desire is to present a true portrait of the man, with the shadows as well as the lights duly emphasized, fully realizing that what may appear faults to some, to others will shine out as virtues, and vice versa.

Our passports duly conned over, the functionary, with a sour glance at our valanced faces, inquired if we had letters for any one in the island.

We are beyond the region of demonstration, and have duly probabilities to consider.

Not only did he choose Pope's couplet, with all its familiar antitheses and other mannerisms, but frankly avowed it by parodying whole passages from the Essay on Man and The Dunciad, the original lines being duly printed at the foot of the page.

When the fact is duly considered that the responsibility of this Government is thus pledged for a long series of years to the interests of a private company established for purposes of internal improvement, in a foreign country, and that country peculiarly subject to civil wars and other public vicissitudes, it will be seen how comprehensive and embarrassing would be those engagements to the Government of the United States.

In the absence of the requisite means and time for duly considering the whole subject at present and discussing such possible substitute, it becomes necessary to return this bill to the House of Representatives, in which it originated, and for the reasons thus briefly submitted to the consideration of Congress to withhold from it my approval.

I had not hitherto appreciated the popularity of a resort which I happened only to know by name, nor did I even on getting at Lausanne a telegram to say that a room was duly reserved for me.

Gray-lavender-bushes sent up purple spikes in the middle of the garden and were duly housed in winter, but these were the sole tender plants admitted, and they pleaded their own cause in the breath of the linen-press and the bureau-drawers that held Miss Lucinda's clothes.

After the rites of hospitality had been duly observed, the old dame seated herself contentedly in her door with her distaff, resigned Agnes to the safe guardianship of her uncle, and had a feeling of security in seeing them sitting together on the parapet of the garden, with the portfolio spread out between them,the warm twilight glow of the evening sky lighting up their figures as they bent in ardent interest over its contents.

As I look over these last letters, which gush and throb with the fulness of his activity, and are so tenderly streaked with touches of constant affection and remembrance, yet are so calm and duly mindful of every detail, I do not think with an elder friend, in whom the wisdom of years has only deepened sympathy for all generous youthful impulse, of Virgil's Marcellus, "Heu, miserande puer!"

merely courteous and duly hospitable, in giving this invitation; but the quick, eager ear of the actor and lover heard, quivering through the assumed indifference and cold politeness of her tones, the genuine impulse and ardent wish of her heart.

The payment stipulated by a treaty duly ratified on both sides had just been formally refused by a vote of the Chamber of Deputies.

Surely, then, every word of a stipulation made under such circumstances and for such important purposes must have been duly considered and its import properly weighed, first by the cabinet who directed, afterwards by the minister who delivered and the Government which received it.

This decision of His Majesty's Government, contained in your excellency's note to me of the 7th August, was duly transmitted to the President, and it naturally produced upon his mind the impressions which I anticipated in my letters to your excellency that it would produce.

Oh, it will be a blessed day; a day which gives liberty to all; and my friends, I hope that the liberty which it will bring to you will by duly appreciated.

On this continent, especially, people fancied that all must be tame and second-hand, everything long since duly analyzed and distributed and put up in appropriate quotations, and nothing left for us poor American children but a preoccupied universe.

On his return, being asked by his employer whether the noisy animal had been so disposed of that it could not come back to interrupt him, the cat carrier duly answered, "Certainly, I have put him where he cannot get outin the Court of Chancery.

Look at a wood or plantation which has not been duly thinned:the trees which exist will be seen drawn up to poles, with narrow and scanty tops, endeavouring to make their way towards such openings to the sky as might permit the access of light and air.

He got a place in an office, and he began to write poetrysome of which was published and duly left unpaid for.

The general principle then is, that the apostrophe forms the possessive case, with an s in the singular, and without it in the plural; but there are some exceptions to this rule, on either hand; and these must be duly noticed. OBS.

dully 222 occurrences

" "I wish you could," she responded dully, with an attempt at a smile.

But why the Devil do I askYes, you are still the same; one of those hoiting Ladies, that love nothing like Fool and Fiddle; Crouds of Fops; had rather be publickly, though dully, flatter'd, than privately ador'd: you love to pass for the Wit of the Company, by talking all and loud.

" "Youyou have broken your engagement," he echoed, dully; and continued, with a certain deficiency of finesse, "

"No," I said dully, "He has been most discreet.

The fluctuations of fortune in fictionand almost in real lifehave ceased to interest, or operate but dully upon me.

To what purpose doth the Pia Mater lie in so dully in her white formalities; sure she hath had hard labour, for the brows have squeezed for it, as you may perceive by his buttered bon-grace that film of a demicastor; 'tis so thin and unctuous that the sunbeams mistake it for a vapour, and are like to cap him; so it is right heliotrope, it creaks in the shine and flaps in the shade; whatever it be I wish it were able to call in his ears.

A little pool covered them, and made its way to a corner of the table; then the drops began again, splashing dully one by one upon the floor.

An oriflamme of scarlet burned in the west, flickered dully in the dirty, curdling water, flared against the windows of the Pemberton, which quivered and dripped, Asenath thought, as if with blood.

" "To a man," she went on, dully, "it means to take some womanthe nearest woman who isn't actually deformedand to make pretty speeches to her and to make her love him.

"But I canna pay," he said dully.

she said dully.

O wise, and dear to God, old man well born, Who in so many, so fair ways, make fair This world, how shall your dues be dully paid? Doomed by eternal charters to adorn Nature and art, yourself their mirror are, None, first before, nor second after, made.

They distinguished the sound of the breadfruit as they rolled dully upon the large leaves, and then the silvery sound of cups filled with pape miti and the miti noanoa from which a pleasant aroma arose.

The day came when he began to wonder dully how and why he found himself in a freezing cabin with Doctor Thomas, in fur cap and arctic overshoes, tending him.

"I'm glad you struck it rich," she murmured, dully.

"Pauvre garçon!" repeated Simpson dully.

"This is wrong," he said dully; "wrong.

The very lamp seemed oppressed by the heavy air; it burnt dully, surrounded with a yellow haze.

" Markham watched her a moment in silence, his wounds aching dully.

He spoke dully and evenly, indifferently.

" "What do you mean?" demanded Dunwody dully.

"I'm lonely at times," he went on dully, evasively, "you don't know how lonely.

"But I can't promise," said the man dully.

The polished chairs and tables shone dully in the fast waning light of the December afternoon, cheerless and unfriendly looking.

" Perry sat down dully and looked disapprovingly at all the neckties.

Do we say   duly   or  dully